Chapter 59

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I stretched before swinging my feet over the comfy bed G and I shared

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I stretched before swinging my feet over the comfy bed G and I shared. Like normal, I walked into the bathroom, doing my morning hygiene before making my way through the house to find the rest of the people who belonged here. I first checked in Kai's room, to see if anyone had come to get her out of bed yet, but she wasn't there. I next checked, little G's room, seeing he was still sleeping, probably from being up late playing the game. before leaving I walked over planting a kiss on his cheek, careful not to wake him. I walked pass Lay's room, since her door was opened I saw she wasn't in there either, so I made my way down stairs figuring thats where everyone was. As my foot hit the last step, the breakfast aroma hit my nose making my stomach growl a bit. Nobody else in this house cooked breakfast besides me or if we hired a chef for a special occasion. 

Walking into the kitchen, seeing G sitting at the table looking at something on his phone. I smiled making my way over to him, when out the corner of my eye I noticed a woman standing over the stove, mixing something in a pot. "Who the he-" i started to say before I was cut of by G, getting up from the table. 

He walked, what looked like towards me but instead right pass me and over to the woman. I watched him walk over hugging the girl from behind, and became even more confused than I already was. I spun my head around seeing, Lay coming through the backdoor, I squat down opening my arms for her but she just like G ran right pass me through the kitchen. 

"What the fuck is going on" I asked but nobody answered. Why were they acting like I wasn't standing right here? I looked through the backdoor, seeing Kai laying in our hammock, watching something on a Ipad. I pulled the door open, "Kai baby come here" I yelled, but she ignored my like everyone else. "KAIRI" I yelled out for her again. I began to feel tears fall down my face, as I called out for my baby getting no response or acknowledgement. It only made me wonder was I.... dead? 

A thousand thoughts began to run through my head causing me to go into a panic attack, my breathing picked up and and my body felt extremely hot. I looked back over at G and this anonymous woman, who where leaned up against the counter talking about something and thats when I realized I was unable to hear anything. Everything was silent.  I began shaking my head "No", not understanding what was going on, as my body fell to the ground.... 

"LANI" I heard someone say, as a bright light flashed in my eyes, making it impossible to see anything but white. I continued to go through this panic attack, I just wanted to know what the fuck was going on with me. "MAMA" i heard, but this time recognizing G's voice. 

The light seemed to dim a bit, allowing me to see G standing over top of me as the nurses bursted in the room. They ran over to me in a panic, as I squinted trying to see what was going on. I reached up, touching G's face and he put his hand on mine letting me know whatever that was I just went through was over. "How you feeling" one of the nurses said, pushing my hair from my face. Unable to speak words, not for a medical reason, but more so me being speechless, I nodded my head. "Can we get you anything, you feeling any pain?" she asked. I shook my head no again, as G and I weirdly stared into each others eyes. "She's fine, this is normally how the body reacts after" she said, to G. "She's probably more confused than anything right now, since she got her pain tolerant, not too long ago" 

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