Chapter 73

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I cracked my eyes open and I reached over grabbing my phone that was vibrating on the table

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I cracked my eyes open and I reached over grabbing my phone that was vibrating on the table. I looked, seeing it was Pete calling me and that is was 9 in the morning. "Talk to me" I said answering the phone. It had already been 3 days since Lani and I's argument, and I had been sleeping in the man cave every since. Don't get me wrong this expensive ass couch was comfy but I was ready to get these results back and get in my damn bed.

Pete chuckled, "Wifey, got you in the dog house huh?" he asked sensing my eagerness for the results.

"Mannn, you don't even know" I said, swinging my legs off the couch and standing up. "I need you to tell me something good P"

"I'm actually on my way to you now, but I tell you what you need to know now" he laughed, as I heard some papers rattling. "0.00% possibility of paternity" he said I hit the light walking into the bathroom. "Just like you said"

"Man, I know whats mine and what ain't" I said. 

He chuckled, "I'll give you that, you been right both times G" he said. "I'm pulling through the gates right now so I can give y'all this paperwork."

"I'm finna come up there now" I said, before ending the call. I sat my phone down on the counter and let out a loud breath of relief, because even though I knew what was up, I was finally done trying to prove this shit to Lani and putting her through this. I grabbed my toothbrush, coating it with toothpaste and began brushing my teeth just thinking of all the dumb shit i've through and put Lani through, because of some dumb ass bitches, one of them I never even had interest in, in the first place. After finishing my brief morning hygiene, I walked up the stairs into the kitchen where Lani was cooking breakfast and Kai sat at her princess table watching something on her ipad. "Morning" I said, tapping the counter.

"Morning" Lani said, continuing what she was already doing.

"Wheres the rest?" I questioned where Lay and G were.

"Being Jarell's flunkies for $5 dollars" she said shaking her head. I'm sure he had them up there cleaning his room, doing all the shit he didn't want to do for some chump change, and they fell for it. I shook my head as the doorbell rang, "Who's that?" she questioned.

"Pete" I said and she looked up from the dish she was cleaning. I smirked as I grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate before walking off to answer the door. I walked through the living room, sliding my feet into my slides as I passed by. "Man of the hour" I said, as I swung the door open seeing Pete standing there with the papers in his hand.

He chuckled, "You just smiling ear to ear now huh" he said. "This is for you" he said handing me the papers as he stepped pass me into the house.

My eyes scanned the papers, seeing exactly what Pete had told me over the phone. "Man what the niggas on Maury be doing when they find out they ain't the daddy? I'm on that right now" I said laughing.

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