Chapter 19

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"B, wake up" i whispered

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"B, wake up" i whispered. 

She cracked her eyes opened, "What are you doing.. it's like 3 o'clock in the morning" she said, looking at the time on her phone. 

"I got bored.. lets watch a movie" I said, sliding in the bed next to her. It was like our fourth day into the trip, so almost everybody was basically exhausted. After a few days on a trip, you end up doing everything there is to do, so it starts to get boring. 

"A movie, this late" she said laughing. "Why you couldn't watch a movie in your own room, you know you're not supposed to be in here" 

I shrugged my shoulders, "I won't stay till the morning.. we can watch a movie and then I should get sleepy" 

She rolled her eyes and sat up, "If we get caught i'm blaming it on you" she said laughing. "What movie you wanna watch?" 

"You so scary" I said laughing. "Uhh, see what they got.. that we can order" 

"i'm not scary, I just don't want them to think I don't respect their rules" she said shrugging her shoulders, as she flipped through movies. 

"It's not even their rules... its your peoples rules" 

"Same thing.. If we get caught, it'll look bad on Lani and G too" 

"Get caught doing what... watching a movie?" I asked. "Relax.. we chilling" I said and she nodded. "You hungry" I asked rubbing my stomach. 

"Uhh.. a little" she said.

"Pizza ?" 

"There not even anything open this late" she said laughing. 

"Everything's possible when you G people's" I said pulling out my phone. I waited for the call to connect and ordered the pizza. 

"How does he know everybody like that" she asked, laughing. 

"He just got it like that" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Wait turn that on" Is aid as she scrolled onto the movie "Belly". "This my shit" 

"I never even seen this" she said making me scrunch my eyebrows. 

"What black person has never seen Belly.. where you been" 

She chuckled, "I don't know just never seemed like my type of movie" 

"Thats cause you like all that girly, crying bs" I said, scooting closer to her, letting her lay her head on my arm. "Wanna keep on watching The Best Man.. so you can cry" I said laughing. 

"Ooou thats my movie.. you know that" she said. 

"We definitely not watching that B" I said, wrapping my arms around, cuddling her. 

"I'm going to sleep on you anyway" she said shrugging her shoulders, turning over, pressing her butt up against me. 

I chuckled, "Going to sleep.. right" Girls always thought they was low when they did this shit, but niggas catching on now. Me and Breah hadn't done anything sexual yet, just because i knew she wasn't that type of girl and I wanted it to be the right time. Lately she had been teasing the fuck outta me, which only made me want her more. 

His Lil' Baby Ⅱ (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now