Chapter 8

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"You look so pretty boo boo" i said, as Lay spun around showing me her dress she was wearing tonight. Lani and I were full time parents, so valentines day didn't let us off the hook. I didn't really mind it though, i figured we'd have an aight time even with the kids. 

"I picked this out all by myself" she said, smiling. 

"Okay big girl, i see you" i said, as she climbed up on the bed with Kai, who was sleeping. "Don't wake her up yet" I said, and she nodded her head. I walked out the room, and down the hall to where Lani's closet and makeup area was. "You know reservations at 8 right?" 

"I know, I'm almost done" she said, getting up from the chair, still in her bra and panties. 

"You don't look almost done, you in here playing" i said, leaning in the doorway. 

She rolled her eyes, "G, Im alomst done, now get out" 

"15 minutes" i said, pointing at her, before turning to leave. I walked down a few more doors, to see if at least Rell was dressed. I knocked twice at his door, before going in, "Yo, you dressed' i semi yelled through the room.

"Do i really have to go" he asked, coming from in the bathroom, wearing a sweatsuit. 

"You know why you have to come, why you got on a sweatsuit dirtball" 

"Man, I ain't tryna be sitting around y'all love birds, especially not when Breah not here yet" he said, plopping down onto the bed. 

"I thought you said, she was gonna be here by 9 and meet us there" 

"Dumbass flight got delayed" 

I chuckled, "You mad huh" i said, and he looked over at me obviously pissed. "I don't know why you didn't just let me send her my PJ, that would've made more sense"

"Her parents, wanted to keep track of everything she's doing, so they made her give receipts for the flights. So she had to do it there way or she wouldn't have been able to come" he said. 

"Sound like y'all being sneaky, don't have that girl staying at my crib and her parents don't know man" i said, shaking my head. 

"Nah they know she coming to see me" 

"Butttttt do they know she staying here?" i asked.

"Wellllll, kinda she told them she was staying with a friend" he said, shrugging his shoulders. 

I shook my head, "I don't trust it, when she get here, you gone have to either let Lani call her parents, or get her a hotel room"

"You so paranoid G" he said, laughing. 

"It ain't about being paranoid, it's about being cautious" I said, tapping my brain. "Plus, i know i'd be ready to kill somebody if i knew my daughter was flying to stay at some nigga crib" 

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