Chapter 6

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I sat on the stool, at the counter, drinking some hot tea, since i had just got finished cooking breakfast with G's mom

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I sat on the stool, at the counter, drinking some hot tea, since i had just got finished cooking breakfast with G's mom. Everybody was up, but they hadn't come down yet. We decided to cook breakfast, since Chy , Su and Troy were leaving later on tonight to go back home.

Momma was staying till the morning, since she didn't really like night flights. It was kind of bitter sweet for everybody to be leaving, cause I did want a little peace but then again that left me here with G, who pissed me the hell off a few days ago. It just didn't make sense why he avoided sex after being in jail for damn near a year.

I couldn't even deny that I was definitely sexually frustrated, and I expected him to be as well, but that wasn't the case. Then what really pissed me off, is that he acted like it never happened, he wanted to kiss on me and all the extra shit, like he didn't just turn down sex, as if i wasn't his girl.

"You okay Lani?" Momma asked, knocking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, i'm fine" i said, sipping tea, as Rell came walking into the kitchen. He didn't know that I had heard him come in early this morning, before G woke up. He knew he was supposed to come in after that party, or at least call, but since he was already in trouble, i decided to let him slide this time.

"Good morning y'all" he said, sitting across from us, with his hoodie pulled tight over his head.

"Looks like you had a good time at the party last night huh?" momma asked.

"It was aight, my head just killing me"

"Sounds like a hangover to me" i said, sarcastically.

"Nah, I wasn't on that time last night" he said.

"Mhm I know" i said, smirking. I knew anytime, Rell stayed out, it was because he was with one of those fast ass girls from his school. Which didn't really bother me, cause thats what boys do.. I just wanted him to be safe about it.

He smirked, picking up that i knew where he was.. "You really got eyes everywhere La" he said, shaking his head laughing, as G came walking in the kitchen carrying Kai.

"Say good morning boo" he said, waving Kai's hand. "Good morning, it smell good as hell down here"

"Hey stinky" i said, standing up kissing her cheeks, before trying to walk off. G grabbed my arm, spinning me back around.

"Good morning to you too" he said.

I slightly smirked , "Good morning G" I said rolling my eyes.

He leaned in close to my ear, "Stop playing with me Lani, fr" he whispered. I didn't say anything, just snatched my arm away from him, going over to the stove to make plates as Chy and Troy walked in.

G just stood there staring at me, like he was ready to knock my head off, but i could careless. "What the hell did we just walk into ?" Chy asked, grabbing Kai from his arms.

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