Chapter 4

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It had only been a few days since I been home, it felt good to get back to my life

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It had only been a few days since I been home, it felt good to get back to my life. I've been taking naps during the day just because i could, eating when i wanted to, last night i even woke up at 3 in the morning and walked around the house, just because. 

Lay followed me all around the house since i came home, she wanted to sleep in the bed with me and everything. I could barely put Kai down since this was the first time i held her in months. One of the times, Lani brung her to visit me i got one of the guards to let me hold her for a few minutes but that was the last time. I just felt like i already missed so much of her life, doing time for a crime they didn't even have the right evidence for. My mom been telling me i should sue them, but i decided to leave it alone since i didn't want it to fall back on me. I had never told my mom that what i was being charged for was something I really did. 

Milan had definitely supported the shit outta me the whole time i was in there, even though shit was overwhelming for her at home. The pass couple days that i been home, she'd been cooking for me non stop and making sure i was good, but i could still tell she'd been a little stand-offish. But i couldn't even be mad at her, the way shit happened back to back, was like i dumped a bunch of my shit on her and then left her hanging to handle it. I can say I was impressed with the way she was handling the Keshia situation, which was also some bullshit. 

Something i'd never be was a deadbeat father, and Keshia knew that, so if this was my son like she claimed, she would've been told me, so she can collect this check. Like i said before, there's no way for him to be mine, I never was a nigga who had sex loosely, so I knew exactly when me and her stopped fucking. When i found out she was cheating on me, and doing snake shit, i played her close so I could see who she was fucking with and who was coming for me. Which is why we stayed together for almost a year after i found out about her scheming shit. 

I walked into the room, seeing Lani wasn't in there, it was like 11:30 in the morning so I knew everybody else were woke by now. It was Saturday, so i wanted to plan somewhere to go with everybody so I though about taking them to a nice lil dinner later on. 

I laid back on the bed, and clicked open Instagram.. 


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