Chapter 31

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We had just got back to the house after Ashley graduation, and me and G we're waiting for everyone else to get here

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We had just got back to the house after Ashley graduation, and me and G we're waiting for everyone else to get here. Everybody went home to change in something, since today we decided to throw a lil party, congratulating  Ashley, Rell and Breah on their accomplishments. Nothing too crazy, just some good food, and company. Today was also our last day with lil G, and I was not happy about it not one bit. Because we were having this get together, G set it up for them to come pick him up in the morning instead of tonight. 

I only agreed to letting him go, because G agreed to make sure we still see him. I hated to be like a meal plan for his dumb ass mother but it's about him at this point, and iv'e grown to love him so I couldn't just let him go. I didn't want that bitch to think she was getting over on anymore than she already has, but he didn't deserve to just be cut off from us like that. 

"Are the chairs fine here?" one of the men we had working the party asked.

"Yeah, you can set them up back here, that's fine" I said, before walking over to where G was on the phone. "Baby, i'm gonna go change real quick..." 

He brung the phone down from his ear, "Aight, lay me out something.. tracksuit or sum, you know" 

"Yeah I know.. I gotchu, imma take Kai up too and change her too" I said, and he nodded his head, before putting the phone back up to his ear. I walked off, and through the door, that led into the kitchen, when G's mom and Kai were. "You in here eating all the fruit Kai?" I asked seeing she had strawberries all over her face. 

"bwerry" she said, giggling. She had been saying little thing lately, mainly repeating everything you say. 

"You now her father just came in here and told her she can eat it" momma said shaking her head, laughing. 

"He is crazy, we can't give people fruit Kai done picked over" I said laughing. 

She chuckled, "That's why we got another one" she said opening the fridge showing me the other tray.

"Still don't men you gone eat this whole thing lil girl" I said, picking Kai up, careful so her hands wouldn't touch me. "Let's go change, get you outta this skirt boo" I said kissing her cheek before walking, down the hall to the steps. Once we were up the stairs, I walked into G and I's room, sitting Kai on the floor since she had stick fruit all over her hands, and G would have a fit if something got on these Versache sheets. He made me change it to this a few days ago, when he came back with it, mind you his ass wasn't even supposed to be shopping, and my silk sheets were perfectly fine. 

I was really just planning on freshening up before changing into some different clothes but since Kai was all sticky, I figured we minds well, take a quick shower. Although the shower with Kai was never a quick process cause she didn't understand the whole shower cap thing, and would always wait till we were in the water to snatch it off. She had curly hair so it was never really a big deal if her hair got wet, but if we were in a rush i'd prefer if she didn't get it wet. 

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