Chapter 18

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"Wake up Lay, look" i said, tapping her, so she could see a part of Disney world as the plane landed

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"Wake up Lay, look" i said, tapping her, so she could see a part of Disney world as the plane landed. "Look G" I said, waking him up as well.

They both excitedly popped their heads up, running over to the window. "We here.. Its bweatiful" Lay said holding her face dramatically, cause everyone to laugh.

"Lay who taught you that word?" Lani asked laughing.

"Unwcle G always calls us bweatiful" she said, shrugging her shoulders, as Lani looked over at me, like she was bouta cry.

"Aww Lay Lay" she said, picking her up. "Who do you wanna see first?"

"Minnieeeee" she yelled.

"What about you G" she asked.

"Uhhh... I wanna get on woller coasters" he said, smiling hard as hell.

"Wake my niece up, so she can see too" I said to Troy.

"Man, you go wake her up, she be having a whole attitude when somebody wake her up.... I'm cool" he said, sitting back on the couch.

"You ain't shit" I said, getting up, walking into the bedroom part of the jet, where Kai and Su were still sleeping. I walked in catching Rell and Breah, mid - kiss, I shook my head "Sneaky Sneaky Sneaky, lemme find out, i gotta watch y'all on this trip"

Rell busted out laughing, "We chilling"

"Yeah aight, y'all better not let none of these kids catch y'all kissing and shit" I said, picking Kai up, and tapping Su.

"I know you not talking, you and La always kissing" he said laughing.

"I'm grown" I said, as Su opened her eyes. "Come here, Look" I said helping her down from the bed. "Breah, I don't know why you like this bum anyway" I said, before leaving out the room, hearing her giggle. I wasn't gonna stop them from kissing, cause ain't no way to stop it forreal, plus it ain't hurting nobody.

We walked back into the main area, where everyone else was and she let go of my hand running over to the window. She began jumping up and down, realizing where she was "Look daddy, look" she said, running over to Troy grabbing his hand.

I would've never expected in a millions years, i'd be excited to take family trips and see these kids smiling and shit. Right now, it was me, Lani, Kai, Lay, lil G, Su, Troy, Chy, Ash, Rell, and Breah. My mom was supposed to leave with us today too, but she said she had to come tomorrow for some reason. I also invited my bro Izzy, like I said I would, only cause I knew him and Ash knew each other outside of me and I wanted to be petty.

"Y'all ready?" I asked, seeing we had fully stopped, and were able to get off the jet.

"Yes" all the kids yelled, running towards the door.

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