Chapter 69

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"Hey girlfriend" Jewel said, as I walked into the building, where my shoot was being held today

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"Hey girlfriend" Jewel said, as I walked into the building, where my shoot was being held today.

"Hey Jewlie" I said, side hugging him before we began walking towards my dressing room.

"How you feeling today?" he asked. "Ya look great"

"Well thank ya" I said, model walking. "I feel okay, ready for a nap butttt I'm aight" I shrugged as I reached for the door knob to my dressing room.

"Wait, before you go" Jewel said, stopping me rom opening the door. "Mr. man is in there" he said, fake biting on his nails.

"Who?"I questioned, as he stepped out the way letting me open the door seeing Izzy sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone. I stood in the door way awkwardly, as Jewel looked back and forth between us.

"I'll be back in 20 for makeup" Jewel said, finding his escape out the room.

I fully walked into the room, sitting my bags in the chair across from Izzy. "Didn't expect to see you here" I said, leaning up against the chair.

"I told you i'd be here" he said calmly.

"That was before... everything" I said shrugging my shoulders. Izzy had been at every photoshoot since my situation a while back, and hadn't missed not one but I definitely didn't expect him to be here after our fall out over Mani.

"I keep my word" he said in a shady tone shrugging his shoulders, not even looking up at me.

"Well, thanks" I said, genuinely happy that he still came to support me even in the midst of this disagreement. The room got quiet again, and more awkward than before so I walked over to the mirror and began to turn on my vanity lights. "Can we not be this awkward?" I spun back around towards him.

"What's awkward about it?" he asked. "I told you I'd be here & i'm here right?"

"Izzy we literally haven't talked in two weeks, and now you're here its weird" I said.

"You want me to leave?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes, "You know that's not what I meant" I said. "Don't be childish"

"I'm just here to support you, thats all"

"But it's gonna continue to be awkward like this, until you say what you need to say" I said.

"Theres nothing for me to say Ashley" he said. "I just should've known about it, but I didn't" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Izzy, she was scared to death for you to know" I said. "I couldn't just tell you after she trusted me with something so important" I said, folding my arms. "I know it seems like I was keeping something from you, but it wasn't my story to tell."

"You don't feel like that was important enough for me to know?" he paused. "Thats my little sister"

"I get that, but I was just trynna protecting her" I said shrugging my shoulders.

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