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y/n's pov

damn those holy knights are truly fast, i could barely stay ahead of them and i finally escape them, yes! i was running from the holy knights because i was going to expose the people the truth about them. the reason i know is because i was capable of eaves-dropping in on there plans. long story short they were not very happy campers wen they found me.

"WHERE DID THAT B*TCH GO NOW!" one yells and i duck for cover behind the wall of a tavern. i wait till they get out of ear shot and look at my surroundings. i notice that it was called "The Boar Hat" i shrug and walk in.

"h-hello!" a young looking girl probably around 17 said to me as i walk in. she had silver hair that ended around her waist and covered one of her eyes with her bangs the other was blue. she wore a pink crop top with a purple scarf and a dark grey or dark navy blue mini skirt and miss-match socks and shoes. "welcome to the boar hat what can i g-get for you!!?!" she asks, she seems very hyper but nervous as though given a job she can not complete.

"uhm i don't know really, i just came in to hide from the holy knights. they dont really like me." i explain.

a young blonde most likely 12 comes up, "the holy knights? why don't they like you?" he asks.

"well you see they're really bad in actuality and i was eaves-dropping onto their plots to start a holy war and frame the seven deadly sins. i also heard that they framed the seven deadly sins for many things but don't know how trusty that information is. even though i personally don't know the seven deadly sins i don't side with the holy knights in the case between the holy war." i say.

"who do you side with then?" the blonde asks.

"neither of them, i really can't choose sides, from as much as i know they both are terrible." i tell him. he nods as if understanding.

"well," he says holding his hand out to me, "i'm Meliodas owner of the boar hat nice to meet you."

i shake his hand shocked, "you're the owner of this place!?!" i ask amused, he must have short parents or something.

"yep" meliodas says smiling. 

i smile back "nice to meet you Meliodas my name is y/n, i am the last fox person alive."

"i notice." he replies and i smile more. i feel something watching my back and urn to the window to meet a giant purple eye. i jump scared out of my socks an screech "WHAT THE HECK!?!?!"

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