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king's pov

i watch as y/n and diane talk to each other after ban was thrown. diane rarely gets that mad so i wonder what really happened? maybe ban was just being mean but still she seemed very protective. i also noticed that her cheeks dusted with a cotton candy pink. she was blushing when y/n laughed at her throwing ban. she must like the fox girl...but why? from what i have observed she seems very territorial and gets annoyed easily. that sorta is explained seeing she IS a fox it's in her genes.

i walk out to talk to the two girls and y/n turns to me. "hi king" she says brightly. i notice that her cheeks are brighter then dianes. a bright pink and i pretend it's in my mind.

"he y/n, h-hey diane" i say stuttering slightly. gosh she makes me so flustered. it sucks truly but whatever, i guess.

"hi king, do you need us?" diane questions me with her sweet hypnotizing voice.

i stare at her forgetting what i came out here to do.

y/n's pov

king came out and started spacing out while staring at diane. i understand she is pretty but be a bit nicer and actually answer the question. i exchange a glance with diane and she looks very confused. i wave my hand in front of the zoned out fairy boy and he shakes his head.

"s-sorry what were you saying?" he asks quickly.

"what do you need?!" i say annoyed and glaring slightly. 

"r-right. we are changing the location of the tavern." king says and diane and i nod. "plus we have to find ban after that throw."

"he'll be fine" diane said in a cold dead tone looking in the direction obviously still annoyed. i nod in agreement and king floats away back to the tavern.

"oh thank  you by the way diane." i say sweetly smiling at her. "you kinda saved me from that weirdo." i continue.

she nods giggling more "of course, he was acting odd" she replies. "i guess we better find out where we're going." she says crouching to the tavern window. "captain~!" she hums and meliodas looks over from washing a cup.

"yes diane?" he questions.

"where are we going next?" she questions and meliodas walks out to respond.

"we're going to find somewhere near where ban is." he answers "we need to find him anyway." i nod and before he gets back inside he asks "y/n aren't gonna be in here while we walk?"

"nah i'll walk with diane. it's fine" i say as diane lifts me to her shoulder. my hand sub-consciously grips her hair to not fall. he shrugs and walks inside. a giant green pig rises from the dirt. i stare in aw as it begins to walk diane following with me clinging her hair. "diane am  holding your hair to tight?" i ask

"no it's fine, i barely feel you on me." she replies and i smile relieved. while we walk we also talk about random stuff. "what's your favourite hidden talent?" she asks out of the blue.

i was so caught off gaurd "what?" i ask.

"everyone has at least one talent they hide, what's yours?"

"it wouldn't be  hidden talent if i told you" i respond to keep my secret.

"i won't tell anyone." she says sweetly.

"f-fine....i sing and my f-family used to say i sing w-well" i stutter out my face bright pink with blush.

"aww cute" she says giggling. i clutch her hair as her shoulders move slightly.

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