New guy and ban

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y/n's pov

i decided to take a break from everyone and take a walk in the woods. diane made sure i packed a knife for safety, water, and food. she's like a mother when she cares about you. i keep walking and bump into a guy around my age. i see he has ears and a tail and i smile brightly.

"hi there i'm y/n i thought all the fox people died. how did you escape the holy knights. how have you survived so far? are you okay? do you need a place to stay, i can ask my friends?"  say bombarding him with questions.

"oh uh hi i'm fine just good at staying in the shadows. it's fine i don't need to stay with you. i'm rich. nice to meet you." he says holding back a chuckle at my amusement. his fiery red tail and ears are so different from the one's i've seen. my white tail and ears are very pretty and elegant but nothing like his.

"how about we go back to the place i'm staying at. i can get you a drink. let's go!" i say and begin to drag rich back to the tavern. he chuckles and once we get there diane instantly notices rich.

"who's this?" she questions.

"rich! a fox guy! are their any other fox people you know of?" i continue to question him as everyone walks out. i notice ban stumbling and rosy pink. he's drunk.

"who's this dude foxy?" ban says smirking seeing my annoyance.

"rich, he's my new friend" i respond.

"hey are you y/n's boyfriend?" rich questions looking at ban.

"NO!" i screech louder then i meant to. i quickly shrivel back clutching my ears in pain and i notice rich had the same reaction. "sorry" i mumble.

"nah foxy and i are just close friends." ban says and he grabs my hips.

"ba-" i start


ban's pov

i see diane glare and rich seems slightly annoyed. sure y/n's hot and all but she's not my type. i mostly do this to annoy her and diane. it just got a lot more fun with this new guy. "why do you always hug her hips?" diane asks her anger evident in her voice.

"they're just the perfect size for my arms to hold them so gently. they're perfect." i respond having my slur coo mostly to y/n as i put my mouth closer to her ear.

"fucking drunk idiot" y/n says and tries leaving but i just pull her closer to my chest.

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