Elizabeth's rage

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elizabeth's pov

as i comfort y/n her tears wear her out as she lays down and falls asleep. i quickly rush downstairs and about to talk to diane or king when ban stops me.

"what's wrong with foxy?" he asks slightly concerned.

"it's y/n use her correct name!" i state annoyed.

"look i'm just trying to look out for her. what happened?" he questions. i sigh and look into his eyes for sincerity.

"diane and y/n had a fight and diane loves king now and says they're dating  and she was crazy for liking a fox girl. now if you excuse me sir ban i need to go have a talk with king and diane." i say quickly and walk outside to see king and diane talking.

i notice in diane's purple eyes that they seem a bit more far off. i clear my voice and the two look down towards me. "hello elizabeth" diane says.

"diane what's going on!?!" i yell "i understand you have found these new feelings for king but you were dating y/n! she actually loved you and you just completely ignore her!" diane opens her mouth to respond but now i turn to king. "and you king! you knew that y/n and diane were dating and yet you still agreed to date her and have her ditch y/n!"

"hey leave king alone elizabeth!" diane screams. i glare at her and she glares back. "it's not his fault that i love him! he's sweet and i was crazy for liking a fox girl! i was blinded from the pain of her past!" she continues. i see a flicker of a sadness and smugness across king's face and my anger increases.

king's pov

it may not be the best outcome but diane is now mine. after so many tries i finally got her and i love her so much. diane gave me a quick run down on the fight she had with y/n and i knew that my plan was working. any actual feelings of love towards y/n will just turn into love towards me.

elizabeth's rage is not completely shocked as Diane's emotions seemed to have just switched. "just try and calm down please elizabeth. doesn't ban love y/n. they'll be good together." i say softly. as a response elizabeth give me the death glare and start to lecture me.

"to be a good relationship the feelings shouldn't be love and dislike it should be love and love. with the way ban acts towards y/n it's obvious they won't be a good couple!" she finishes. i shrug and she sighs exasperated storming inside. wow what a rage.

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