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a twist to a comment by CoolCuistiqui 
king's pov

i was hiding behind the tavern mixing a concoction from an old dirty book i found. it was hard to find everything for this mixture but i did and the end result looks perfect. i grab diane's mug filled with liquid while she watched y/n and band argue with everyone else. i quickly add the blend and get away. diane grabs her mug and takes a drink. i smile and her eyes look slightly fuzzy.

"captain is this a new type of ale?" she asks curiously.

"no, why?" captian respo

"it tastes a bit odd, different i suppose" she says. captain shrugs and looks back towards the fight between ban and y/n.

y/n's pov

ban in his normal drunken state has been hitting on me. annoyed obviously i started yelling at him to witch he responded annoyed by teasing me.

"are you just scared to be in love foxy~" he utters.

"NO YOU'RE JUST ANNOYING" i begin to shout at him and he laughs. ban grabs my waist kissing my cheek. i battle to pull myself away from him but his grip stops me.

"oh come on foxy you know you're lying to yourself~ you love me~" he continues and i shake my head as he snuggles his face into the crook of my neck. i exasperated gave up on trying to struggle and look up at diane. 

my heart drops to the fiery center of the earth as i see her gawking over king. king's face is fully pink as she flirts with him. "oh king you're so cute. i'm so sorry for all the things i've said to you. you're amazing, much better at using your powers then me. it's amazing how you fight." she exclaimed giggling.

king was acting different then normal however and wasn't stuttering as much when he talked. i could sense he was much more confident then before. it doesn't change over night so i wonder what happen. i glare at him as he responds great-full of her compliments. what is he up too? i don't know but i'm going to find out.

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