Finale! part 2

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a/n warning this chapter does have lemon in it and is also the last chapter in this i hope you have enjoyed this book and thank you for reading and voting it makes me so happy and i love reading your comments. now i'll stop being annoying and get onto the chapter.
y/n's pov

the sky gets darker and darker as we talk, laugh, and cuddle. not long after it's nearly pitch black and i hear a giggle from diane as she kisses my cheek. "want to try something new?" she asks and i blush deeply.

"uhm like what?" i ask giggling as she kisses me again. i kiss back and take out her pigtails entwining my hands into her hair. it's so much softer than i thought wow. her hair feels like silk and is so beautiful.

"you're so beautiful y/n. thank you for taking me back" she mumbles before kissing me again taking off my shirt. i smile and help her unlatch my bra.

once we're fully undressed and in a heated make out section i feel a finger enter my womanhood. i hum in response as diane adds another and begins scissoring. i moan in response and tug her hair lightly.

diane giggles kissing my neck down my stomach as she takes her fingers out. i moan again unable to contain the pleasure i'm in. i feel diane's wet tongue enter my clit and flick around. i grip her hair again tightly and she giggles. i hum as she continues to swirl her tongue inside and i tighten. this pleasure i'm going through is insane and i feel her tongue slide out as she add her fingers again and begin to pump. i moan yet again and tug slightly on her brown silky mane. i tighten more and she giggles as i release onto her fingers.

i see diane blush brightly as she pulls them out and i blush the same red. "w-wow. i can't belie-" she begins to start but i cut her off kissing her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"don't think just just-" i look for a word and kiss her again giving up. "let's just love eachother" i say and she nods.

she  kisses me again and i decide to give her pleasure and grab her breast groping her gently. a moan escapes her lips and i smile gently inserting a finger and wiggling it around. she moans louder and i kiss down her chest.

in the morning
a/n sorry it's shitty idc and still your pov

i was cuddled against diane as the sun begins to shine. i look up to see the mushroom powder wore of and we were using her leatard for a blanket. i get dressed and nudge her.

"diane sweetheart it's morning get dressed." i say gently. one of her yes open drowsily and she yawns.

"but i'm still tired let's just cuddle a bit more okay" she mumbles. she looks down a light blush forming on her cheek. "fine i'll get up but just to find the mushroom." she grumbles and gets up covering herself and grabbing her clothes. diane enters the forest and i smile getting dressed. last night was wonderful.

i walk into the tavern t see meliodas filling a mug of ale and ban cooking.

"have fun last night?" ban asks smirking.

"huh?" i question pretending i didn't know what he was talking about. my face brightens as i think of everything.

"sorta risky doing it outside but no judge. i didn't see anything" he adds quickly with the startled glared i gave him, "but i did hear you guys. it seemed as though you were having some fun." ban states.

the door opens and a diane walks in. "y/n where are my ponytails?" she asks and ban lets out a stifled laugh.

"oh i'm sorry i forgot here i'll go look for them." i say in a rush and head outside to find them. diane follows giggling as i search the ground for the pair of elastics she uses to keep her hair adorable.

quickly my hand runs across the two bands and i stand handing them to diane. "thank you n/n (nickname)" she says brightly and we walk hand in hand to the tavern. once inside elizabeth, gowther, and a very annoyed king are also there. king glares at me and i return the glare.

king mutters something under his breath that i couldn't catch and i shrug ignoring it. "yesterday seemed nice for you two. i hope you had a good time but it sounded like you did." elizabeth says as ban sets down plates of food.

i smile sitting with diane and begin to eat a faint glow appearing on my cheeks.

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