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diane's pov

"foxy?" y/n questions.

"yeah it's your new nick name. do you like it?" he replies to her questioning response.

"uhm not really but what do you need?" she continues and sits down on the grass a smirk formed upon his face and i glare at him.

"i can't talk to you?" he questions her.

"well yeah you can but i don't see why you would want to" y/n says, i notice she must not have a good self-image.

ban starts talking and flirting with y/n and i glare but stay silent. he starts flirting more and trying to touch her body.

"ban i think you should stop, you're getting a little to close to be considered normal or average." i finally speak out. he just rolls his eyes and continues to talk to her completely ignoring me. he grabs her hips and continues to tell her how perfect her body is. i do agree her hips are the perfect size and her c/s (cup size) breast are very beautiful. and her outfit is perfect to show off her curves.

she tries to be calm and act normal but she obviously uncomfortable. i finally can't take any more and pick ban up yelling at him to stop being a pervert and throw him as far as i can.

"oops" i say innocently and y/n begins to laugh

ban's pov

all i was doing was flirting and trying to tell y/n how pretty she was. next thing i know was i was being thrown by diane and flying threw the air.

y/n's pov

ban was being really odd and close. he was flirting very much and i could feel diane sensing my uncomfortable. she starts yelling at ban about how he was being a pervert and a complete a**. she then throws him obviously using a bunch of force. she then looks at me and twirls her hair around her finger. "oops" she says and i begin to laugh.

"diane you just chucked him like a football!" i say through my laughter.

"sorry? he was being such a creep though i couldn't help myself." she replies giggling. i smile and we go back to our conversation.

Diane X FEM! Reader. My GIANT loveWhere stories live. Discover now