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a/n all in dianes pov
diane's pov

i look back with y/n to see a holy knight. i growl and run to help sir meliodas. suddenly i start to fade. i don't know what's going on but within minutes everyone is back in the garden.

"i see she entered the nacropalis by putting her in a near death state." meliodas explains. y/n and ban nods and we head back to the tavern with king now. he was blushing oddly enough and stumbling over his words.

once everyone is outside the tavern we talked and drank and had fun. my cheeks were so pink from the beer but ban was completely flushed red. he was stammering like crazy and finally around 21:30 (9:30 pm) he tried walking and unfortunately was to drunk and fell on top of y/n.

she pushed him of a little and ban laughed loudly. "get off you drunk"

ban giggled and his head fell on her shoulder. he was mumbling nonsense and i giggled. something sparked in me though. i've felt it before but i'm confused on why i feel it now. jealousy?

Diane X FEM! Reader. My GIANT loveWhere stories live. Discover now