Ban being Ban

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y/n's pov

i wake up in time for dinner and walk outside where the others are. ban looks pale compared to his drunken pink state. "hey foxy how was your nap?" he questions. i roll my eyes and walk towards diane slightly apprehensive.

"hey diane." i say meekly. she  and king look down from there conversation.

"oh hi y/n. what do you want?" she asks with a slight annoyance in her voice.

"i-i was just uh" i stop. i sound so odd stuttering. am i really gonna stay hungover her when it's obvious she doesn't like me. she got over me so fast i was confused but i just have to accept it. "nothing" i mutter and walk to elizabeth.

we start talking while ban cooks and meliodas talks to hawk uninterested and diane being cute flirting with king. if only she would do that with me... no no no! i'm over her and i don't feel that way anymore. while trying to keep my mind busy by talking to elizabeth ban comes over wrapping his arms around m kissing my cheek.

"what do you want ban?" i ask annoyed thoroughly.

"nothing." he replies shrugging and glances at king and diane. king seems unphased but  diane looks slightly i'm imagining things.

"off" i tell him sharply and he actually listens and goes back to the food.

later when everyone is eating ban questions diane casually "why do you like king again?"

"huh? why wouldn't i. i mean he's sweet, cute, tough." at this response meliodas, ban, and i laugh slightly and king blushes ever so slightly. "don't laugh at him!" diane booms irritated.

"sorry but i wouldn't really call him tough." meliodas tells her to a very mad diane.

"so what! you're opinion isn't the truth!" diane remarks pouting.

elizabeth's high voice spoke trying to difuse the tension. "h-how about we listen to some music?" she questions. ban seemed to sit straighter a smirk plastered on his face.

"y/n can sing. how about you sing us something foxy!" he exclaims excited.

"uh i don't think so i don't rea-" i begin but diane's voice cuts me off.

"you're really good though. sing something y/n please?" she says. my heart turns to putty with her voice and my face flushes red.

"uh o-okay i guess i can"

i close my eyes and begin to sing. i don't know what i'm singing until the first verse has already left my mouth. i'm singing about diane. she probably doesn't realize, i mean i didn't even realize.

after i finish the song diane looks very happy and sad at the same time. diane leans down next to me and hugs me tearing up. "i'm so sorry y/n i'm so sorry. i don't know what happened" she says begining to cry. i hold her humming confused. king looks rather irritated and flies off to which ban follows.

"what are you talking about diane?" i ask.

"i don't love king i love you y/n. i'm so sorry!" she whales hugging me back nearly crushing me. i tear up hugging back and hum trying to soothe her.

i continue to console her then ban comes back pulling a reluctant king by the ear. "king are you okay?" elizabeth question standing slightly

"tell them!" ban yells obviously annoyed.

"what's going on" hawks questions.

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