y/n's tipsy!

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y/n's pov

i continue to drink my ale and laugh as diane tells me jokes, obviously she is still concerned from earlier today. i lean on her leg and hum as i also begin to feel my face heat up. i know i'm blushing but i don't care. i flirt with diane but soon notice king glaring at me. i look over and stumble over to he fairy. "why so mad?" i slur out of my drunken state.

"nothing i just don't see why another women would love the same sex." he grumbles

"relax king she's just so hot i can't help it" i reply not really understanding any of our talk. he glares some more and floats down to eye level. he glares at me and i laugh slightly. i couldn't help it, i dont know what's come over me. suddenly i see a pale blur and feel pain while i stumble back falling down.

"KING WHAT THE FUCK!"i heard diane say before i get back up, i glance at her and she seems very worried. i smile to reassure her but she just gasped in shock. "KING!" she yells again.

"o-oops sorry" the fairy mutters.

diane's pov

king and y/n were kinda arguing when suddenly king throws a punch at her sending her to the ground. she must be wasted if he knocked her over i start yelling at him when she gets up and smiles at me. i gasp unable to hide my shock as her mouth was bleeding slightly, probably from the fall. captain, ban, hawk, and elizabeth walk over and band starts trying to help y/n. i wish i was normal sized so i could help her instead. i hate him being near her. she yawns and heads inside. i watch when she says "night guys." and dissapears into the tavern. i glare at king as he looks scared.

(a/n i need inspiration help what should happen)

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