Water fight

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y/n's pov

we make it to the ba-state prison and i notice that diane is still glaring at me. "cute outfit." i remark to her. she mumbles a thanks and we get there and stop at a well built man who i assume is ban once he runs to meliodas. hawk and elizabeth get startled and hide behind diane as the boys arm wrestle and i sit besides her. (i forgot to put in hawk last chapter...oops)

after a few moments the entire building is in shambles and i'm shocked tooken aback. "it's normal for them don't be so shocked" diane tells me. i nod.


we're at the tavern and i try talking to Meliodas but Diane stopped me glaring. when Meliodas said she was over reacting she started pouting. i giggle slightly, she's so cute. wait what?

"DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" she screams.

"s-sorry i didn't mean to laugh. I mean I d-didn't mean I-I wasn't laughing at you it's just uh-" i say at lost for words.


"N-NO!" i say shocked and try calming her down. it was next to impossible and and try explaining myself but she won't listen.

"diane you're over reacting don't be so emotional" ban said and tried to help me calm down.

*next day*

i woke up bright and early and went out to look around. i try not to disturb diane and successfully  get away. i walk around and find a pond, nice. i look around and start skipping rocks. after around an hour i hear running towards me and louder feet running towards me. i look up to see diane being chased by some holy knights.


"LADY DIANE HAULT" one yells. she skids to a hault once she realizes that the water was to much to jump over, like an ocean to normal people, a lake to her. they catch up then notice me. "lady y/n last of the fox people!" he growls and tries to grab me. i get out of their grasp but trip and go into the water. diane thinks this was a plan of mine and follows me she splashes the holy knight so much they almost drown. she then picked them up and threw them.

"well, y/n, i guess you aren't totally a lost cause. good idea with the water." she say looking towards where she threw them.

"yeah" i reply getting up. i look up to the sun, it seems around 6. "wanna have a water fight for awhile i don't suppose the others will be up for a while."

she nods giggling and we start having a water fight. note to self:don't water fight a giant again.


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