Ban's drunk love

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a/n okay so I know you girls want diane but in order for my plan to work you first have to be kinda close to ban, sorry. reader~chan don't hate me please because y/n doesn't really fall in love with him.

y/n's pov

as ban clings to me in his drunken state. "you're heavy dude" i tell him and he just wraps his arms around my waist.

"you're pertty" he murmurs intelligibly. i roll my eyes and try to make him let go but he is pretty strong. "nooooooo~!" he whines and holds me tighter "let me hold you" continues and i groan and stop trying to pry the drunken idiot off me.

"fine" i reply and glance up at the beautiful giant girl. i notice she's glaring at me or ban i can't tell. "yes diane?" i question. she stays silent and looks away pissed. i glare back at her and then try once again to release myself from the drunk's grasp to walk over to the river.

"y/n why don't you just bring him with, he's not letting you leave him alone you know." king speaks up addressing me for the first time i believe. i nod knowing that and just try to make it so i can at least walk.

ban's pov

i cling onto who i'm guessing is y/n, she is smoking. i cling onto her wonderful hips and not let her untangle herself from my arms. 

"ban stop!" she tried to sound serious but i could tell she was holding back an exasperated laugh. i shake my head laughing and pull her closer.

"you're so pretty and warm~" i coo to her. i succeed in making her giggle and she rolls her eyes at me.

"go bother meliodas." she tells me when the captain looks up holding his hands up to show he wants to stay out of this.

"do not ban" he instructs. i shrug and hold y/n closer humming. she rolls her eyes some more and groans in frustration and gives up trying to make me let go. i giggle at her response and fall bringing her down with me.

"you big idiot" she informs me like i didn't know and i pull her on top of my chest while i lay in the grass letting the laughter of the others surround me in my otherwise silent environment.

timeskip still ban's pov

i wake up in my room and notice that i am no longer holding y/n. i groan having the hangover headache that i always get, it lasts about half an hour to two hours. i get up and walk downstairs to everybody except y/n.

"where's the foxy chick?" i ask, i know they know i know her name but i don't care that's her new nickname.

"y/n?" elizabeth asks and i nod. "she's outside with diane" she informs me and i walk out.

y/n's pov

i woke up at the crack of dawn and walk outside to diane, i walk u to her and smile. she wakes up and returns my smile. she sits up and giggles at me "oh y/n good morning" diane says in her angelic voice. so sweet when she's happy but so venomous when she gets mad.

"good morning diane. how was your sleep?" i ask and she smiles brighter.

"wonderful thank you for asking." 

we soon start talking about anything and everything. this laster for around 1/2 an hour then ban came outside.

"hey foxy" he says smugly.

a/n what should happen next?

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