SPECIAL! (sorry)

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a/n while getting this chapter ready i realized that not everyone is in america and i'm pretty sure this show doesn't take place is america so i'm gonna make it as little patriotic as possible. but hey, extra chapter that hopefully is long!?!
y/n's pov

the first duel with dine is her and this very large holy knight who's job is to protect princess veronica. the begin to duel and it seems pretty equal. after a while the holy knight conjures up a shield and start to have it grow. diane is nearly out of the ring and she begins to punch the shield with all her might. finally she breaks the shield and runs to the man. the dude in pure shock is to slow to react and diane punches him out of the ring. i yell cheering her on more.

"GO MATRONA" i yell. she looks at me and puts on her loving smile. i smile back giving her a thumbs up and she hops down. i notice that her hat flew off and i giggle at her slightly tousled brown locks. next was the old man and king.

it was quite a shocker note the sarcasm king lost. i know he's weak but it was pathetic seeing him trip over a rock then being punched out of the ring. the old drunk walks out of the ring and the second holy knight. one i am very aware of seeing as he has tried to get me multiple times. gilthunder against this other dude. it was interesting to watch as this common man fought a holy knight.

gilthunder knocks him out of the ring and goes to find his buddy. finally meliodas and ban. this is quite the fight. meliodas and ban are talking about something when they first met. they start throwing punches and bleeding.....a lot. meliodas seems to be getting weaker and ban stronger.

"what's going on with the captain?" diane asks.

"snatch. bans power. he's taking meliodas's strength and using it back on him." king explains.

at this diane raises her arm in rage exposing her cleavage and naked elizabeth. diane shouts "BAND IF YOU DON'T STOP THIS INSTANT WE'RE NO LONGER FRIENDS GOT IT! FRIENDSHIP OVER!" king blushes and immediantly grabs his pillow shielding her boobs from vision. i giggle and kiss diane's cheek. she drops her arms blushing and looks at me.

"meliodas is very strong he'll be fine." i say. she looks down nodding. they fight some more and ban seems to have put a final blow. the next moment i notice dust everywhere.

"MELIODAS" elizabeth screams in her tiny high voice. the dust settles and i see meliodas.

"shhh elizabeth keep it down." he says winking. he hops down and i can't help it.

"where's ban?" i ask.

meliodas shrugs casually and points to a large cliff side with a dent in it. "over there" he says nonchantly.

i gape as ban slides down the cliff out of view. "cool" i say and then there's a small break before the semi-finals. i stay with diane and we talk and laugh and just be stupid and funny. finally it's time for diane to fight gilthunder.

"GO MATRONA" i yell excited. i know diane is going to win this. gilthunder may be strong but it's diane the serpent sin of envy. he quickly sows her his tornado power thingy.

"if that hits me full on there won't be anything left" she says slightly concerned.

"glad you see what you're up against" he says and start saying creepy fucked up things. what a perv.

"i love this guy, everything he says is sexual. diane's face flushes and gilthunder seems shocked and at a loss for words.

diane covers herself slightly saying "really?"

"n-no! i j-" he starts but i bud in.

"if you dare touch matrona any way i'm going to skin you alive!" diane blushes glancing at me.

"NO i just don't like hurting girls! i want to get this over with!" he says annoyed and embarressed. i glare and they begin to fight. his tornado thing makes her fly up and she then turns to steel. i gape in aw at her shiny complexion. she comes falling down and knees him in the gut. "y-you said that if it hits you there would be nothing left!" gilthunder exclaims.

"yeah. nothing left of these clothes i borrowed! i don't want to ruin them!" she shoots back and pushes him out of the ring.

she won like i knew she would. amazingly. she hops down and i smile brightly at her.

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