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a/n this isn't 100% like the show but semi like it okay i'm just writing enough to make a capter 

diane's pov

i accidently almost drowned her around ten times but our fun came to a pause as meliodas, ban, hawk, and elizabeth came over. "Diane y/n there you are i was so worried, why are you guys over here?" meliodas asks concern and annoyance lacing his voice. it makes me so giddy to see him so concerned for me.

"you guys were still sleeping so i decided to come over to skip rocks. diane joined me and we had a water fight. something you need?" y/n speaks up sking meliodas the simple question. i glare at her, i hate when she talks to meliodas but i don't think i have a completely fair reason.

"actually yes king was said to be in a village near by and while meliodas and elizabeth run the tavern i need someone to go with me to find him." ban says cooly.

"i can go!" i shout excitedly.

"actually y/n will diane giants are banned in the town so sorry." ban says and waves y/n to follow him to the village.

meanie he should take elizabeth, meliodas can run the tavern alone and i want to continue having fun with y/n.

y/n's pov

we head to the village and look around. i don't know what king looks like but i am supposed to help. "so ban what does k-" i start but he stops me from continuing and helps a little girl trying to get answers about king himself.

"h-hey! get away from her!" shouts a young boy as he carries a pitch fork and runs to ban. before either the young girl who ban seemed to know named "elaine" or i can stop him he speared ban in the heart and looked stunned by his own actions.

"no brother! he was helping me!" she yells at him.

"i-i'm sorry. i shouldn't ha-" he starts but is interrupted by ban who seems to not have been speared at all.

"look kid why are you apologizing you didn't do anything." he says nonchalantly.

"b-b-but-" the boy stammers before running off inside dragging his sister along as he is speared in the back and through his stomach by another metal stick with a pointed head.

"so we meet again ban the fox sin of greed." he resites in a monotone voice.

ban looks up to the floating boy, "i'm sorry but do i know you?" he asks.

"tisk tisk i feel so hurt that you don't remember me ban. we were so close, it is i king." i was shocked, he looked much like i though he wouldn't look like. ban laughed.

"listen kid you're not king i can tell." the guy who said he was king shrugged and started floating off disregarding me.

"w-wait!" i call after him and he glances over.

Diane X FEM! Reader. My GIANT loveWhere stories live. Discover now