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diane's pov

i glance at y/n as he small hands grip tighter i stop giggling and ask "can i hear?" she looks tooken aback.

"u-uh sure?" she responds questioningly and hums slightly before opening her mouth and i heard the most beautiful thing ever. she seemed to tear up while singing and my heart broke listening to the lyrics. i wonder what has happened in her past, i know about the holy knights killing her family...the rest of her kind. is this why she seems so skinny, is she ashamed of her weight? i continue to listen and then i notice that the song is talking about someone else? what my question is...was it from a friends point of view or from hers? is she carrying through what her friend always thought? that they were never good enough and they weren't skinny enough?

as she finishes the song my heart is about broken, it wants me to know she's okay. it wants me to help her through her body issues. "are you a-anorexic?" my brilliant mind decides to ask. i don't even know why but i have to know. i watch her from the corner of my eyes as she slowly nods.

"my friend was too. she was beautiful...something i can never be." she states solemnly.

"you are beautiful. and talented, and wonderful." i tell her my heart aching at the thought of her hurting herself to fit her image of perfect.

"thanks" y/n mumbles and sits down. i continue walking with hawk's mom an d then we find ban.

"took you long enough" he said looking tired, he might have tried walking back. dumbass.

"yeah yeah your fault for being a big perv." i reply as y/n watches our conversation. hawk's mother goes under the round planting the tavern as everyone else walks out. i sit down and help y/n down. meliodas already was grabbing booze and i laughed slightly as the boys got drunk.

y/n's pov

diane asked me to sing for her, one of my very few original songs ugly is hat i decided to sing and i could notice the difference in her walking and voice. i didn't mean to make her sad it was just default....oops. i decide to drink a  little to calm my nerves.

next thing i know diane is looking great and i keep stumbling on my words.....guess i'm drunk.

Diane X FEM! Reader. My GIANT loveWhere stories live. Discover now