flustering morning

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y/n's pov

"of course, i never meant to hurt you or made you upset." i say gently. she nods understanding and i gently stroke one of her pigtails. she smiles and sets me down lying next to me. as we talk eye to eye the rest of the team wakes up. rich is the first and he walks over to us sitting next to me. diane glares at him and he glares back.

"morning ladies. how did you sleep y/n?" he asks sweetly.

i smile before responding "well, and you?"

"fine it was nice to be warm while sleeping for once. you're a very good cuddler you know." i blush and diane growls.

"thanks?" i answer questioningly. he chuckles and i see diane giggle at my uncertainty.

"you're so cute confused y/n" she says in her sweet voice. i smile blushing and hides my face in my tail. she giggles even more petting my head with one of her fingers.

"uhm i uh think we should wake the others." i say getting up quickly and racing inside. diane and rich laugh at my reaction. i feel my face heating up as i blush a deep wine red. meliodas and elizabeth walk downstairs confused. "you guys are up, great uhm let's wake up the others." i say. before they can respond i go upstairs and knock on king's and ban's room. a very groggy ban wakes up and his smirk appears.

"hey foxy, morning." he says his voice raspy from sleep.

"uh well everyone's up so come on. we should uh start the day and-" i say beginning to ramble.

"woah foxy chill. who got you all flustered?" he asks tauntingly. i blush more and hide my face. he chuckles and shuts the door getting ready with king. i go back downstairs and see rich has entered and is watching me. i burrow my face in my tail encasing my face with snowy white fur.

"you okay y/n?' elizabeth asks. i nod without looking up. i hear diane giggle some more and glance up. she smiles brightly at me.  i blush darker and hide my face. this has been a rattled morning.

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