The "L" word

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y/n's pov

i wake up in the arms of the guy from yesterday. my mind is slightly blurry from the emotional exhaustion that i went through. i get up and he wakes up to my  movement. "morning" he says his voice slightly raspy from sleep.

"morning" i reply and go to the window.

"what you looking for?" he questions.

"i think i should head back. i over reacted yesterday and they're probably worried about me." i say concern and sadness lacing my voice.

"okay but feel free to visit anytime you want y/n" jackson says hugging me.

i hug back smiling shyly, "of course i will. don't worry" i reply and head out. i walk to the tavern and see diane asleep. she's so cute when she's sleeping, she even is drooling slightly. diane looks completely drained and her eyes are slightly red and puffy. she's been crying i frown noticing that and kiss her forehead gently she might not have even felt it.

"i'm back diane" i whisper gently and head inside. once in the tavern i see king drinking and i glare at the back of his head. ban comes out in an apron and smiles setting plates of food down walking to me.

"y/n so glad you're back." he says his cheeks slightly from the alcohol he seems to constantly has in his system. he hugs me tightly kissing the top of my head as i try to untangle his arms from my waist.

"y/n you're back. great you can help us sell some ale at the festival today." meliodas says walking downstairs. i notice king's eyes on me but ignore him harshly. i nod smiling as ban goes back to the plates.

"breakfast is done. eat up!" he says handing everyone some food. i feel a eye on me, someone is staring and i turn to the window to see diane watching me.

"i'll be right back" i say and run outside to hug her, kinda. i hug her to the best of my ability. "morning diane" i say cheerfully "sorry for running away last night. " i say and she nods looking away. "a-are you okay?" i ask worried.

"yeah i'm fine y/n" she says her voice slightly shaking.

"what's wrong?" i question as i notice her eyes begin to brim with tears.

"i-i thought you would never come back and and" she says beginning to cry and hyperventilate.

"diane shhhh of course i would come back. i would never leave you shhhh. you are the most wonderful friend i will ever have it's okay. don't cry shhhhh. diane shhhhh" i exclaim shushing her enough to have her watch me through her teary eyes.

"y-y/n.....i love you" she admits and i become frozen in shock but soon smile.

"i love you too diane." i say as her face flushes a dark pink. 

Diane X FEM! Reader. My GIANT loveWhere stories live. Discover now