A talk

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a/n okay i uploaded early so no update today oops.
diane's pov

i was so happy when i was small. y/n and i were able to actually hug; wrap our arms around eachother and be embraced. over the past few days i've been walking around the forest alone just trying to find that mushroom again. i was away for so long that y/n started getting worried. i hadn't noticed before but she paced the ground until she heard me. the vibe around her was always tense when i left.

i came back from my adventure one day and y/n ran and hugged me. "diane what do you keep doing in the forest every day!?!" she yells at me scared and tearing up. i hold her and calm her down before i speak.

"y/n i'm sorry. i've been looking for that shrinking mushroom. i just want to be small again. i liked being your size." i explain. she looks at me still slightly teary eyes.

y/n's pov

she wanted to find the mushroom to be small again. it makes me upset knowing she's not happy with herself. i know she wants to be the size of everyone else but i think she's amazing. her size is what makes her so unique and amazing in my eyes. i stay silent but hold one of her fingers in my hands. i smile as we both stay silent in eachothers presence.

"wouldn't you like if we were the same size?" she asks.

"i guess it would be nice but i like you as your giant self. i understand that you're self-consious being a giant but it's beautiful. i guess i can help you look." i explain. she nods smiling and we stay in eachothers presence ignoring everyone else

a/n please leave comments on what should happen

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