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Atlas Elison was a bright boy.

At the age of six, he looked silently as his father, Grogan Elison become a scientist. Not the best known and surely not very liked, but scientist nonetheless. Grogan tried to be likable, he really did, but he was frowned upon. He was weird. The only reason Atlas' father became part of HYDRA, was because of his high intelligence and the amount of money the man had heritaged from his ancestors and so on.

Atlas always looked up to his dad, he was his hero. Grogan was never really that good at parenting, he couldn't cook, so they ate frozen food most of the time. He couldn't buy right sized clothes, but he made sure his son felt comfortable in the clothing he wore. Grogan cared for his kid, and that's all a child could ask for.

Until one day, Grogan was no more.

And Atlas? Atlas became an experiment.

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