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Sometimes I find darkness to be much safer then any light ever could be

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Sometimes I find darkness to be much safer then any light ever could be.
You can hide in darkness, you can be darkness.

But darkness will be killed by light. That's how it always have been, and that's how it always will be.

Slowly, I blinked my eyes open. I stared at the ugly, pale yellow ceiling that had slight cracks on it. I could smell dust and mold, I flickered my eyes up, as I was sleeping under a small window and a streak of sun shone in from between the two dark brown curtains. I looked at the small sprinkles of dust that swirled in the sunlight.

The room was small with two beds, one drawer that had a vase with dead flowers in it and a scraped mirror.
I pushed my upper body up, listening to my surroundings as I tilted my head.

Some kind of parasites were running under the floor, I could hear people, lots of people behind the house, or wherever I was. It was a dull sound thought. A running water behind dull brown door and low humming of an unknown sound.

I sat up, my bare feet touching the cold floor.

My mind was attacked by the events earlier that day, or maybe it was yesterday?
The girl who invaded my mind, I did not like her. She was dangerous, and I had been oblivious to that fact the whole time. Of course I had sensed something off about her the moment she stepped into the diner, but perhaps I had been blinded by all others, the weak kind.

If Hydra was trying to protect the world from people like her, I trusted them. What right did she have to inflict pain upon me like that? I hadn't even attacked her for heavens sake!

"would you look at that, you're finally up. Go on, there's some warm water still left, you stink dude. Like, stink. And there's a toothbrush I got ya and also-" he threw a bag at me. "-some clothes I snatched, after that, we'll talk." he said yawning, standing in front of his bed a he dried his hair with the towel.

I nodded, getting up I entered the small bathroom, the bag with clothes firmly in my hand.

The shower was actually quite relaxing and refreshing, minus the smell of rust. But it was easily ignored in a situation like that.
The clothes Pietro had gotten weren't that much different form the last ones, but they were comfortable so I did not mind.
The towel was pale orange, making me believe it had been white a long long time ago. After getting myself washed up and refreshed I joined Pietro at the minimalistic room I had stayed in. He was laying in bed, his feet on the wall as he skimmed through a random book, by the look on his face and the book being upside down I believed he didn't pay much attention to the object.

I sat down on the opposite bed, the creak of the worn out mattress made Pietro glance at me upside down, he closed the book and threw it aside, pushing himself up. “Alright, talk. What the hell happened yesterday.” he said, resting his head on his hands as he stared at me expectedly.

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