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I shook with fear as the straps were tightened. I nearly missed it when two IV-s were placed on either of my arms. Three scientists were scurrying around me, all three wearing white face masks and white coats with red HYDRA logo on their chests.

I could sense someone fourth come in, the person waved the three away as they slowly approached me. Blood rushed to my face as I felt embarrassment and utter shame.


“Do zou know, Zubject, waz have zou done?” Doctor Masinzky asked clicking his tongue as he dragged another stool next to mine. He sat down.

Was I suppose to answer? He didn't give me straight permission, but he asked me a question.
I stayed silent.

“did anyone zee you?” he leaned closer, I refused to look up at the old man. “answer me!” he slapped me again, the sound of his hand hitting my cheek almost too loud in the silent room.

I wasn't sure how much of a permission that was, but he wanted me to answer. “n-no Doct-” he slapped me again, small silver ring on his middle finger making long, red and thin line on my cheek.

Alright, it was starting to hurt.

“zou brainless, zorthless thing.” he hissed in my ear, spitting at my face.

I froze, Doctor Masinzky was upset, no, he was furious. I didn't even dare to breathe in fear he'd lash out again. He stood up and marched back and forth. He muttered small curses under his breath, his hands behind his back as he looksed up at me. “Zell me, why did zou ran, Zubject?”

Was I supposed to speak now?

“Sir, I, uh, my instincts, we-I saw this small creature and I couldn't stop myself, then there was this woman and a, uh, red metal-” Doctor Masinzky attacked me, I never would've guessed such a small man to have such strength. My hands and feet were cuffed and strapped, I had no ways to defend myself as Doctor roughly punched me, his small hands were in fists as he striked at my chest and face. I soon got to know he especially liked to hit my cheek. My head yerked to right again and again and again as he angrily let out his frustration.

I coughed, startled by the amount of blood that dripped on the metal floor.

His punches got weaker, until he stopped.
I was slumped on the seat, feeling sore. My cheek stung but I refused to show any kind of emotion. I had done enough. “a zoman, Zubject. A zoman. Tell me, zo zou wanna go out zere again? All free?”

“yes Doctor” I didn't even think my answer through. I had enjoyed it, in fact, I loved it. It was so colourful, so free and so emotional.

“I zee, I zee. Mister Budnikov! Bring in Machine Vospominaniye!”

My heart rate went faster. I knew I should be afraid of it, but I wasn't. I didn't know what that Vospominaniye was. So, I sat breathing heavily, feeling the warm blood drop down my chin and drying there.

Faceless scientists flooded into the lab, turning on monitors and small lamps. The chair was slowly turned into a lab table and I felt familiar adrenaline rush and bad gut feeling. Something was paced on my head and suddenly, it felt like thousand needles were pushed into my skull as I screamed. I knew it was only the beginning, they had d even turned the machine on yet.

I panted, my head was stuck inside the odd metal hat, the needles were pushed deep inside my skull as small rivers of blood ran down my head on the table. My hands were balled into fists as veins popped under my pale skin. They ripped open my white shirt and tabbed something on there, I winced but was unable to move my head as I felt something small prickling my skin.

I could feel my panic arise. I knew I should stay calm, they were professionals, they knew what they were doing. HYDRA  was good, HYDRA was future.

My panicked eyes looked for Doctor Masinzky. I locked eyes with him, he was standing on the corner of the room as the faceless HYDRA scientists were preparing me for the experiment. Or was that experiment?

Doctor Masinzky had crossed his arms, I could see the small red bruises but they would heal over the time. His wrinkly face was smug as he made no movement towards me.

“Sir, subject is ready for memory erasing. Shall we turn on the
Vospominaniye” a male voice with thick accent asked Doctor. “Yez Mister Budnikov, ztart the process.”

Memory erasing.

Memory erasing.

No, no! I couldn't lose it, I didn't want to lose those memories. I wanted to rip the vires off, wanted to get the metal hat off my head but I was stuck. Noticing my struggling, they started moving faster.

Don't forget it. Don't you ever forget it Subject. Don't worget the smell, the feel and touch of small cold funny water droplets. Don't forget the starry night and large moon, don't forget it. The soil and the human girl who didn't like waving.
Don't ever forget it. The breeze the night, the day and clouds. Don't forget.

I could hear the low hum of the machine behind me, I closed my eyes tightly, my struggles getting weaker and weaker as they let some kind of serum inside my numb body.

Don't forget, don't forget, don't forget.

My eyes shot open and bright light nearly blinded me, but I could care less. The pain came suddenly, it hurt my eyelids and mostly, my head. I screamed but I couldn't hear it. I could feel the small needle holes rip a little as my body convulsed with the pain. It was in my head, stop, don't erase it. Let it be, don't forget. Don't forget!

Foam ran down by the side of my mouth as I struggled to breathe.

By now, everything hurt. I was drowning in icy water and then I was burned alive. I was being skinned alive and thrown into pool of salt. They were cutting me open while I was wide awake and I couldn't stop, I couldn't die. They didn't let me. They were forcing me to be awake, and watch and feel the never ending pain. I gasped, nearly drowning in my own blood.

I hurt and ached all over, the devil with the face of Doctor Masinzky chuckled down at my writhing and pulsing form.

Pain and silence. Dull ache and bright light.

Where am I?

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