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WARNING: bloody scenes in the end of the chapter

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WARNING: bloody scenes in the end of the chapter. If you don't like murder-ish scenes skip the part where he is brought in the lab.

My red eyes were wide, small gasps leaving my mouth as I could see the puffs of smoke swirling in the air due to the crispy air above the clouds.

I didn't understand. Soldat was a trained assassin. He was best of the bests, he was like a legend among agents. He was talked highly about, and the most important missions for greater good were always assigned to him.

And I was to be trained by his side, to be one day like him. Fierce, cold and deadly.

But by what happened this morning, I came to realize that the assassin who I always looked upon to might not be what I expected him to be.

Rage towards the blue-eyed man who had talked Soldat into it was burning within me. That man, Steve Rogers was to be blamed for all of this. It was his fault, he was the one who had coaxed Soldat. He was the one who came with his sweet talk, sincere eyes and calm voice.

And he had to pay for that.

I wasn't sure where I was going. Maybe it was one of my many senses, intuition or something merely different, but I came to realize I couldn't stop flying. My wing joints were burning and my back was aching. I could feel my heart pumping blood as every breath became out difficult, my chest was throbbing. But I could not stop, my body wouldn't listen. And something told me that if I was to land somewhere, I wouldn't get up for quite some time.

I flew until the storm below and the cold winds disappeared. I flew until my wings became numb with pain and the fiery rage was turned into plea to sleep.

My eyes were dull and I had lost every sense of direction as my bruised wings continued to carry me further and further away from the ex-hydra assassin.

Sigh of relief left my mouth as I slowly glided towards the land, I just knew that I had reached my destination. I wasn't sure how, but something almost called or commanded me to be there.

Breaking through the clouds I could see the ordinary layout of HYDRA base. It was safely hidden in the forest  and if I were ever to feel happiness, I would have felt it then. But I was too tired to care.

I ducked my wings, finally getting the feel of them back and I pulled my legs closer to my body. I closed my eyes and grunted once I crashed on the ground right in front of the open base doors. I rolled a little, trying to keep my shredded wings out of the harms way as much as possible. When I stopped, I grunted in pain.

My eyes were closed, yet I could sense the movement on the ground as many pairs of feet jogged closer. Hydra agents pointed their guns at me, and suddenly I felt much better. Feeling familiar with the sound of distant training, humming of mashinery, the smell of chemicals and tense atmosphere, I felt alright in that environment.

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