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Sir never came back from the bombing. Not that I missed him, in fact, I didn't really feel anything about his disappearance.

While Sir had inflicted me with different serums, then Doctor Masinzky didn't only stop with that.

He started testing my limits. He made me run for miles, until miles became hours and hours became days. I was drowning and lost in my aching bones and sweat, at some point, I though aching and pain was normal.

He tried to evolve my dragon, by making it larger, stronger. After every shot, Doctor Masinzky forced a great amount of pain on me. Whether it was beating, electrocution, or the leather whip on my back. As long as I was in pain, there was hope to trigger their expectations.

My days passed by in a blur, every day I felt less and less like a living object. For a while, the man from my cell was missing as well, he had been sent to missions.

Until one day I was curled up on my side of the room, trying to fight the agonizing pain that whip had marked on my shredded back. I knew it would heal over time, everything about me did. And then, it would start all over again.

The door opened, I was too tired and drowsy to even raise my head.

Small thud was heard and the man was back, Winter Soldier laid back on his small mattress. He was injured. It was interesting, I had hardly seen anyone else but myself in immense pain. He tried to hide his right side from my sigh, that's where he was hurt.

For a large amount of time, he was tense. I noticed that he was missing his muzzle this time, and they hadn't chained him up either. There were drops of dried blood on his shiny metal arm. If I concentrated hard enough, I would've smelt it in the air.
He peeked at my half dead form and immediately his tense muscles relaxed a little, I probably didn't look very threatening.

He tensed again when the door opened, but this time, they came for me. I winced as they pulled me up, I was unable to walk myself so the two guards dragged me back to the lab. Leaving trails of blood behind, my back stung, horribly so.

I didn't pay attention to the white coats this time. I was too weak, too empty.

I vaguely felt the straps being tightened around my limbs, torso and something was around my neck as well. The leather was cold and tight, I was stuck. Through the haze I started panicking when I felt steel being tightly locked around my torso and arms.

Too tight, too stuck.

The small pinch on my shoulder muscle didn't even bother me, they had shot something in my blood system, I vaguely felt IV's being stuck in my arms, some one was also keeping track of my heart rate.

The pain began again. I screamed and screamed, the halls echoed from the painful waves. I didn't hear anything but my beating heart, and felt nothing but the lava pumping in my blood system. I never though I would be awake with pain like this inflicted upon my shattered body.

Even though my eyes were wide open with pain and horror, I failed to see the emotionless scientists or the blinding lamp on the ceiling, I saw flames burning high in my vision, I saw the flickers of flames crawling up my legs, my torso and into my heart, flowing in my blood like poison.

Oh I knew what the pain was, they had shot some unknown serum in my body, and it was trying to heal it. My body was trying to spit it out like bad sickness.

But it wasn't going anywhere.

I couldn't tell how long was I screaming, or was I even making a sound? I didn't know, but the pain, it was never ending. I tried to break the straps binding me to the table, it wasn't working. Someone was yelling at me, or were they commanding?

I was paralyzed. Every cell in my body was tense and my back was arched.

Guess after awhile they didn't get their expected results and I was roughly thrown back to my cell. Yet, my muscles were still hard as rock and as tense as ever. I was chocking on air as tears ran down my face. Time stood still, I couldn't move, couldn't breathe and it felt like someone was squeezing my heart in spiked chains.

I wished I was dead, I wished it would end already. First time in my life I felt like it was wrong.

Horrible choking and sob mixed sounds left my throat as foam bubbled on the corner of my mouth.

I felt someone move my upper body and if it was even possible, my shoulders tensed even more through the shaking and pulsing. Calming blue eyes looked down at me as he kept my body down, trying to keep the episode minium. His metal arm held me down so I wouldn't injure myself more. His fingers combed through my hair, surprisingly calming gesture.

His calming gaze met my panicked one, even though emotionless, there was something awfully soft about the gesture.

And so the Winter Soldier stayed up with me through the night, through the episode.

He didn't talk, neither did I, but a saying from somewhere far came to me, sometimes actions speak more then words ever could.

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