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I wasn't awake, yet I wasn't in sleep either, I was somewhere in between

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I wasn't awake, yet I wasn't in sleep either, I was somewhere in between. I knew it wasn't for my mind, it was for my body to heal.

I was pulled out of the light slumber by the voices behind the locked door. True, the walls were extremely sound proof, but I had a feeling mine and their hearing abilities weren't quite the same.

"Director, the boy isn't ready yet, he still needs to rest." the same voice of the dangerous lady said, getting closer to the room. "And who are you to tell? The last time I checked, you were no doctor, Agent Romanoff." a rough, cocky voice answered her in a tone I knew all too well, the tone of a man who sits on higher position than others. "No, that I am not, but D-" "you work for SHIELD, Romanoff, or have you suddenly forgotten?" the question was met with silence.

The opening of the door made me jolt lightly, my glare didn't falter.

A tall man stepped in the room, his one eye taking in my beat up body. I sensed no pity, I didn't even expect it. There was simply strong curiosity, disgust and hesitance.

"Why is he still here not in the cell? I don't see anything wrong with him." He said in a cold voice, his one eye not even sparing Agent Romanoff a glance. "Doctor Banner said his vitals are still low." Romanoff said, standing in the doorway her arms crossed.

I bared my teeth at the man as be dared to take another step closer. The tall, dark coloured man narrowed his eye. “Can he even understand humans, or does he simply have a body of a man and a mind of an animal?” he asked, and oddly enough, I felt offended.

I narrowed my eyes, holding back my instics that commanded me to kill, lash out to the man as he took a step closer, ignoring the low growl vibrating throught my chest.

“He is not a dumb animal, he understands clearly what's going on.” a new voice answered cruffly, sounding slightly angry. I couldn't see the person, but I didn't feel the need to know, since my number one threat stood merely couple metres from my bed, from the bed I was still tied to.

The man with one eye stopped, clasped his hands behind his back and and stared at me in suspicion and curiosity. There was a flash of annoyance when the unknown voice spoke. “Director, I assure you. There is no reason to lock him up. Hydra needs to be flushed out.” 

“But until then what?” Director asked mockingly, taking a step aside to reveal the owner of the voice. “Until then what Mr Barnes? You suggest we let him walk loosely throught the building and possibly, be triggered to kill my agents?” the dark coloured man asked, and it was obvious he wasn't going to let me go. Frankly, I was not surprised.

I peeked at the man on the doorway, he seemed vaguely familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. “No, sir, that can't be done.” the red headed woman said, her voice cruff. After saying it, Barnes' steel cold eyes snapped at the woman, glaring at her. “But I could keep an eye on him, make sure nothing goes wrong, sir.” the Director glanced at me, his lips in thin line.

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