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I blinked my eyes open, glancing at my right, where the empty cup laid on the floor

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I blinked my eyes open, glancing at my right, where the empty cup laid on the floor.

I licked my lips, wondering if I was going insane. But I was going to try anyways, I was alone so no one would really judge me. I cleared my throat, listening to the quiet humming coming from the walls.

"excuse me, could you tell me the time?" I stared at the ceiling, wide-eyed.

"it's 7:13AM currently, sir."

I thanked the voice coming from the walls, the voice they called FRI. Whatever that means.

I pushed myself up, ignoring the cracks coming from my spine as I stood up from the floor.

I looked down wondering if I should change. Maybe it was a normal thing to change from sleeping clothes.

So, I opened the mysterious drawer and picked random pants and a t-shirt that felt comfortable.
I remembered Lokis word for looking civil. He had told me to comb my hair.

I didn't even have a comb.

I pursed my lips, deciding to just wet my fingertips with the cold water and slide them through my hair, making them a little bit more tame and go back, looking slightly like the style Loki used. I didn't care much, so I wondered down the halls to the only room I was allowed to go.

The living room.

I heard quiet talking, deciding not to interfere I quietly went to sit on one of the couches that was turned towards the window.

It was really magnificent, truly. The way everything worked was just entertaing. I tilted my head, watching a flock of grey birds on opposite building, doing absolutely nothing.

How useless creatures.

Almost as one beast, they all suddenly flew up, not a single bird staying behind.

Useless but united.

"You're up early, are you hungry?" familiar voice greeted me, making me tense up for not having realised someone had entered the living room. I felt a wet nose sniff the palm of my hand as I glanced down, finding the familiar one-eyed dog called Lucky.

"No I am not hungry." I found myself answering as I slid my thumb over  the dogs nose. His fur was pale and glistened gold against the sun. He sat down, pressing his furry body against my leg and closed his on eye in bliss as he snuggled closer to my touch.

Greedy but cute.

"Not hungry? I thought Bruce had told you you needed to have fine diet? That means, having breakfast, lunch and dinner. Besides, you'll have a long day ahead of yourself kid." I sighed, turning towards Steve as I pulled away from the dog who licked my fingertips.

"I do not feel as if I want to eat, but if that's what you say then so be it." I told Steve who was leaning against the doorframe, letting the rising sun kiss his sky blue eyes, making them even lighter. The troubled look crossed his face as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

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