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I frowned, trying to keep track of enemies

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I frowned, trying to keep track of enemies. The trigger on the gun was pulled off and the bullets went flying.

"Die, die you damned chicken!" Pietro hissed, tapping on the controller in between his pale fingers. Clint was smirking smugly as he finished Pietros player off. War on screen was confusing me.

I stood up and left quietly, not wishing to disturb the two in heated argument. My insides were churning and I felt a bile in my throat, the brightness of the large screen was also making my eyes water, I found myself in one of the rooms, it was quite large and filled with thousands of books, I froze and out of instincs, hid myself behind long, black curtains as I shamefully eavesdropped.

"has anyone even attempted a conversation while I was away?" the familiar tone of the red headed woman asked, making uncomfortable shiver run down my spine. She felt dangerous.

"Nat, we can't really force the guy to speak. Yes, we have asked him few questions, but just look at--"

"be honest Stevie Wonder, the guy looks like a puppy with badass assassin reflexes, which is quite disturbing because yesterday he didn't even know what the hell a doughnut was. So, for your information Natash, no. We haven't really attempted a conversation with a guy who stares at everything as if a blind man seeing colours." Tony Stark snorted, his tone sarcastic which I found rather rude as he was speaking to Steve.

I didn't move a muscle, afraid the woman would spot me right away as they walked towards my hiding place, of course I had chosen the place that was enar the couches.

"You do know it's his sixth day here, right? And you do know what Fury said?" Natasha Romanoff said coldly.

"uhm, no, I actually don't know what he said." Starks confused sentence made the woman groan. "he gave us seven days to make Atlas speak, if we get nothing out of him by tomorrow evening, Director will handle him from then on! He'll take him to the Raft, Tony!"

As she mentioned the place, Raft, it felt as if the temperature had dropped couple of degrees in the room. Steve's cold, fierce voice made me almost flinch. "no, Fury will not touch a hair on the kids head."

"would you look at that, am I seeing the gear, patriotic Captain America start rebellion? Wouldn't think I'd see the day hell would freeze."

"Friends, I don't see the problem." Strong voice of Lokis brother sounded, making me focus to try and understand how many of them were there.

"and what would be your great plan, point break?"

"of course ask the young one the questions, has anyone really conversed with him? Loki, you have spoken with him, have you not?"

My insides went cold at the mention of Lokis name, no doubt the trickster had sensed my presence in the room. "thank you Thor for letting them know someone here would actually be capable of getting answers from the boy, but the last time I talked with him, Buchanan nearly tore off the armrest. So excuse me if I haven't spoken to Atlas in four days." obvious lies.
The tricksters smooth voice answered, his silky tone filled with utmost boredom. I relaxed slightly, feeling relived he hadn't told them of my presence. I was afraid of them finding me, I didn't want to be there, I just didn't want them to disappoint in me, and so far, I hadn't gotten any punishments from them. But what if they found out I heard everything? What then?

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