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"Part of the journey is the end"

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"Part of the journey is the end"

The man whispered shakily, fear taking over his teary eyes as he focused on my burning eyes and not his hand that was currently in between my maw. I was so close to tearing him apart, I could almost feel the skin under my razor sharp teeth.

I hesitated. Atlas, seventeen.


"Atlas, buddy, step away from the man will you?" I did, as if it was Master himself who told me to do it, my body had listended in a heart beat, without a doubt I let the man go, watching carefully as he pushed himself away from me, looking injured and weak.

Stark groaned and rolled up, glaring at the intruder. "Couldn't you have come faster, dragon whisperer?" he said, but I could hear the hint of gratitude in his shaky and annoyance filled tone. "Get back to the jet, Stark. You're injured badly, be reasonable for once and get back." the man said with tone as calm as the deepest parts of the forest, a quiet calm washed over me.

"You don't tell me what to do, grandpa." Stark said, trying to fly into the sky, but failed as sparks flew from his suit and he fell back on the ground, nearly stumbling and falling in his mess of a suit. I quickly raised my tail, letting him lean on it before he could bash his face in. Startled by the spiky tail that kept him up, he stared up at me.

I had no idea why I did that.

"Go on Stark, I think we can count this battle won."

I felt as if those words weren't spoken to Tony specifically, but to me.

I looked at Bucky, truly looked and wondered.

How could I have forgotten about him so fast, so easily? How could I have seen only red while looking at him just minutes ago in the middle of the fight?

I felt angry at him and he must have seen it too as he raised his hands as I puffed at him. "I'm so sorry, buddy. I truly, honestly did my best to get you back to safe. Back to me." he said gently, I searched his eyes. He didn't hide anything from me as I looked deeper, ignoring the distant call of Budnikov.

It was Bucky Barnes, my mentor and the man who had given me comfort at the time of need, it was the same man who had looked after me in Hell. I groaned and tackled the man in a hug, forgetting about Tony who had been leaning om my tail, now laying on the ground, cussing at me.

"It's fine buddy, it's okay." the Winter Soldier said to me as I curled my tail around him and pressed my blood covered head into his broad chest, letting out an unfamiliar, purring sound as he stroked my scaly cheek. He whispered comforting words to me, and even Tony Stark didn't say anything witty as I complained Bucky about everything.

It was Bucky, he was back, not just for the fight, but for me too. It truly was him.

"Get here Agent. Jetzt sofort!" Budnikov demanded, I could feel his words pierce throught my skin, flesh and bone.

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