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I didn't move after the Avengers —as they introduced themselves— had filled us in with the information they thought was necessary

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I didn't move after the Avengers —as they introduced themselves— had filled us in with the information they thought was necessary. Of course, I could just tell there were details they kept to themselves.

Pietro was quiet, which was unusual for him. Considering the information Steve had told as gently as possible, it still must've been a lot to the Speedster.

Because comes out, the woman named Wanda was Pietro's sister. He refused to meet her bright eyes that were staring intensively from across the room. I stared at Wanda, trying to see the resemblance between the siblings, I could feel the coldness she held towards me. I didn't mind.

“Look, Pietro, it might be a lot to take in right now, but just-”

“Who are you people?” He cut in, his icy cold eyes looking up to Steve. “We are called the Avengers. We do our best to keep the world safe.” Pietro raised an eyebrow. “Me and Atlas did our research. So, what, are you like, trying to win over Hydra or something?” I could feel the instant tension, mostly from Bucky who was sitting next to me. “No, we want to make Hydra extinct. They have done awful things, things that are hard to repair.” Steve's soft blue eyes rested on me for a second, making me feel uneasy. “and that's why you two are here. We are keeping you safe from Hydra. They will no longer torment you.” he wasn't telling it to only me and Pietro. But to Bucky as well.

I narrowed my eyes, giving Steve a challenging look, making him widen his eyes in surprise. “if you say that, you have to promise me something.” Pietros tone went serious and I could see the tiredness behind his guarded, usually cheerful eyes. “Anything.” Steve said, looking the Speedster straight in the eyes. Even Wanda took a step closer, making me look at her way in suspicious manner. She did try to kill me after all.

“Whatever is going to happen, because knowing Hydra, something will, I want you to promise me you will not let them have Atlas. They... Just, they can't have him. Give me your word, Captain.” he said, his accent thickening. I looked at Pietro, frowning at him. “Of course, we'll watch after the kid.” to my surprise, the woman who had been silent most of the time piped in. “and you too, Pietro. You will stay here, you will be safe here.” she said, the white haired man didn't even glance at her way. She was hurt by it, trying to mask her sadness with glare that she sent towards me.

“Okay, I think it's enough for one day. So, erm, where are our rooms or cells or wherever you think you could be housing us?” Pietro asked standing up, grabbing my shoulder to drag me up with him. “Sure, I'll show you to your rooms and did he say your name was Atlas? I thought I heard Loki mention this name, didn't know it was yours.” Steve said, surprising me when he had turned and spoken straight with me.

Pietro decided to help me out with my lack of response. “yeah, his name is Atlas. Loki? Who is Loki?” I snapped my eyes in the dark corner where gentle scoff announced the displeased Gof of Mischief. “I am Loki, and you shall not speak my name in such tone, mortal.” he said emotionlessly, yet I could sense annoyed undertone.

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