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I had nodded at the virtual sketch of the base, feeling sure of myself

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I had nodded at the virtual sketch of the base, feeling sure of myself. Of course I couldn't tell Stark the whole plan, oddly enough I was unable to remember all of the rooms. But he had assured me that it was fine, the rest he can figure out with bugs, whatever these are.

“Hey dude.” the shorter man greeted me happily, trying to sit on the stool next to mine. Hint the word trying, he nearly sat on the floor, thanks to his fast reflexes he caught himself with ease and sat on the stool, chuckling nervously. I stared at him quizzically, wondering why was Peter Parker sitting next to me.

He cleared his throat, clasping his hands in front of him as if he was trying to look more serious. It was kind of funny to watch, but I kept quiet.

"so...” he trailed off, as if expecting me to say something. “Atlas.” I said bluntly, wondering if it was my name he was waiting for. His grin widened as he grabbed my hand, shaking it frantically. “Yeah, I know! But nice to meet you, again. I mean, Mister Stark has been quite caught up trying to figure out what exactly made you like this. No! I mean it's cool! Your superpowers are so awesome dude! Man, I'd give my right arm and my dignity so I could turn into a dragon. I've never seen you on the field, I wasn't allowed to come, but I saw it all from behind the cameras and dude you're so rad!” the boy babbled, making me blink at him in surprise.

“cool.” I had learned that from Pietro, he said it often when he didn't know what else to say. Peter seemed to accept my answer, or maybe he didn't even hear it. “I also heard that you ran away with Quicksilver? How did it work out for you? Considering he is fast and... Well, I'm assuming you are too, just not that fast. So, how did you get out? And where did you ran away from? I'm assuming somewhere else?”

I leaned back, scoffing at the thought of Pietro doing all the work. Yeah, right, as if that would happen. “no, Loki got us out with his magic.” I said quietly, my voice even and still surprising to my ears. I caught a hint of accent, or at least, it sounded differently compared to everyone else. “he got us out and I flew us over the ocean, we ended up here.”

Peter's brown eyes widened as he stared up at me as if I was the answer to all of his questions. “you flew both of you and Loki here? What? That's insane bro!”

I frowned, tilting my head. “no, just me and Pietro. Loki dissappeared.” he shrugged. “still, was the flight hard? And how come nobody caught you?”

“it was... Fine. I don't know, I believe I was lucky.” I said, doubt creeping into my voice. Because we had been caught in the end, or at least I had. I looked back at Peter when he cleared his throat and leaned his elbows on the marmor table, ignoring Steve who was cooking again and giving us curious looks from time to time.

“So, Mister Stark said you've been scooped up here for a whole week? He thinks it'd be good idea if youd go outside for some time, you know, get a breath of fresh air.” I really wanted to tell him how awful the air outside really smelled, but something  told me he was trying to be nice and wasn't really conserned about the bad air outside. “my classes end about 4pm tomorrow, if you think you're not busy we could go outside and I can show you around bit? My friends will come too if you're not against the idea, we can go skating, or lazer zone? That should be pretty cool! And-- oh, thank you Mr Rogers, but I really can't, Aunt May has probably already c--”

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