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I found myself enjoying Bruce's company

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I found myself enjoying Bruce's company. He was quiet and kept to himself most of the time.

I however, slowly lowered myself on the chair Clint had spun around with earlier. Anxiously glancing up at the man who was behind the computer. He didn't seem to be mad at me, so I loosened the grip on armrest, making sure my claws wouldn't make holes in them.

“Atlas? Can you change into your other f--” his sentence was cut off by the hissing of doors announcing new arrivals.

A plate with something sweet smelling was thrusted into my hands. It looked plain, and it had some kind of golden liquid poured over it. The food was warm, it did look like a stake, minus the brown part and it being warm. “go on dude, eat it up. I saved it from Thor. You know, these people here are horrible at watching after a minor.” Pietro said to me, the usual amusement back in his accented voice. I averted my gaze from the girl on the doorway, shuffling her feet awkwardly.

“So, what have you been up to doc? Been poking him with needles? Been trying to figure out what's wrong with him?” Pietro said accusingly, crossing his arms as he glared at the seemingly calm man. “No, Pietro. I don't see anything wring with your friend.” the doctor said, sounding tired. “yeah, sure, that's why you're scooping him up here all day, running your stupid test.”

The two bickering men failed to see Wanda who was approaching quietly. I tensed, staring at the girl. She held out something to me, I realized it was a knife and a fork. She sighed at my stoic expression, placing them quietly on the dish on my hands. “I believe you would need those to eat waffles. Pietro, like always, forgot the minor things. Looking at him I suggest you eat before he starts stuffing it down your throat in fear you'd starve.” she said quietly, holding the tense eye contact. I knew she didn't like me, I could feel it. Even when she tried to sound friendly, she didn't see me as an acquaintance, she felt deep hatreds towards me.

And I couldn't blame her, for some reason, I just couldn't hate her back.

I relaxed when she retreated, going to see what Bruce was up to. Yet, her focus remained on me. “sure, just because you are having trouble keeping a leash on the thing inside you, doesn't mean that Atlas has. He can't even change forms willingly.” the white haired man said matter-of-factly, taking a seat on the armrest of the chair I was currently sitting on. Pietro reached out for the waffles, he took one, broke it in half and rolled, eating it in one bite.

Bruce peeked up, glancing over his shoulder st Pietro who was munching at the food. “he can't? Then how does he turn into a... Dragon?” Banner asked baffled, his green eyes flickering between Pietro and the dish in my hands disapprovingly. The speedster was obviously pleased that the doctor was unaware of that small fact.

“with words, words only I happen to know.” Pietro said smugly, leaning back slightly. “go on, eat dude. It ain't gonna stay warm forever.” the man whispered, smirking as he turned back towards the surprised doctor and Wanda who was sitting on the work table legs crossed, glaring at me for unknown reason.

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