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I swirled in the air, purring in delight as I enjoyed the feeling of having enough space for my large wings

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I swirled in the air, purring in delight as I enjoyed the feeling of having enough space for my large wings. I tried to ignore the aching in my body that hasn't left for quite some time, but I managed.

I opened my eyes and sighed when I realized we needed to move. I looked down the at the raspberry bush I was carrying in between my talons. I had to find something for Soldat to eat and something tells me that he wouldn't appreciate raw meat.

I dived down, making a small swirl for my own amusement because I knew Hydra wouldn't like it. They never did like messing around. I landed ungracefully and almost stumbled over my own feet and the raspberry bush I was carrying. That made me realize how wobbly my limbs were, as if I was just a hatchling. I snorted at that thought, I had been trained for this. I had gone through sessions and more experiments then I could remember just for this. I couldn't just collapse. I couldn't.

I heard the commotion from the cave, angry mumbling as he tried to push the gigantic rock away. "hey, would you please let me out now!"

I shook my head, pushing the raspberry bush aside as I slowly stomped closer to the blocked caves mouth.

I widened my eyes, the pupils turning into slits as my senses suddenly turned alive, warning me of something. I straightened my hunched back, refusing to seem weak to whichever enemy it was spying on us.
I turned around, scanning the forests edge down below with narrowed eyes. A shiver of excitement ran over me and I could almost taste the blood of HYDRAs enemies on my tongue.

I knew they were watching, it was like a prickle in my skull, as if someone was sizing me up, looking for weak spots.

Growling at the agitated assasin still in the cave, I simply turned my back at him. He got the hint and to my annoyance tried to squeeze out from behind the rock. I knew he was strong, but I would handle them alone and possibly be done with it before he could interfere.

I could hear it before I saw it, that flying tin can was about to shot me. Again.

I pulled my wing back against my body before the repulsor could hit. I noticed the movement was slower then usually. Damn my weak wings. I knew my body was about to start producing adrenaline, so I wasn't that much worried about my sluggish movements.

"oh, guys! I missed!"

"yes Stark, we can see that, great job at angering it!"

I roared at it, not caring about the spit that flew at the tin can nor that he cussed at me under his breath.
I flapped my wings and jumped at him, he grunted under my weight as I pressed his hands into the soil, not letting him use those horrid repulsors. To my immense pleasure he so didn't see that coming and that's how the red and golden robot-man ended up under my claws. I hissed at him, giving him clear picture of my dislike.

I opened my jaw and as I was about to bit down at his metal head something strong knocked me off of him. I stumbled aside, shaking my head to clear the dizziness. I could hear Soldat screaming at me to let him out, yeah, stay there.

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