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I was starting to regret that decision.

We had been walking the whole day, the sun glaring down at us as if I had killed her lover.

I had simply refused to that piggy back ride Pietro had offered, it was humiliating and unnecessary, I could walk. I wasn't weak to be carried around like a worthless experiment.

Even thought my bare feet were aching and I could see small blisters and cuts that were made by twigs and small sharp rocks, I simply ignored it. I wasn't weak. If I was capable of injecting pain, I had to be capable of bearing it as well.

And besides, we both stunk. He didn't seem to notice it or else he would've commented on it already, because if there was one thing Pietro did, it was comment on anything and everything. And his curiosity was also bothering me, if he wanted to know something, he simply went to investigate.

For example, in the early morning there was this shuffling in the treetops above us. I could smell a small animal nervously eyeing us, but Pietro obviously hadn't. So, he had made it his mission to catch whatever it was. And he did, he had ran up the tree and snatched the animal from its spot, bringing it down to show me.

The small animal had fur the colour of rising sun and eyes dark as pine tree bark. It had wiggled in his arms to get out and run,  its instincts had been warning him. I had slowly touched the animals mind, forcing him to calm down and accept the situation. Instead of mad dashing, the small thing had curiously stared up at us.

“Look, its just a small squirrel, what a cute little белка

Squirrel, that had been my first encounter with an animal called squirrel. They didn't look threatening like I had expected things to be in the outside world. Instead, these squirrels looked small, fluffy and very skittish. I could see no way they could bring harm upon anyone.

“You know whats weird, I don't even know your name.” Pietro said, kicking some small rocks aside.

My name is Project BEAST. Experiment, Subject or an Asset. Thats how I've been called at least. I wonder how Pietro got his name.

“You don't have a name, do you.” he sighed, flicking a small bug out from his silver hair that oddly matched his white clothes. “In that case, I'm gonna name you!” name me? Have a name like everyone else, that'd be... That'd be cool.

“So, little dude. How about Pietro Jr? No? Don't give me that look, I was just kidding, or was I?” I take my words back, he was really bad at that. I glared at him and sped up. Of course there was no use because he wasn't called speedster for nothing. He chuckled as he kept his space.

“alright alright. How about Pieter? Uh, Pierre? Piotr? Phil? Pedro? No? No names starting with P? Okay, stop glaring. Or maybe that's your resting bitch face. How about names starting with W huh? Wade? Wayne? Walbert? Willy? Waynard? Or Wilmort?” I stared at him, wide eyed. The look on my face made him burst into laughter, I turned around as he stumbled to catch up, holding his stomach as he laughed at me.

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