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I stared up at Pietro as I drank another bottle of dark, sizzling cola

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I stared up at Pietro as I drank another bottle of dark, sizzling cola. Pietro had gotten me a green straw the other day, and I absolutely loved this kind of drinking system. I sipped at the last drops of black coloured drink, making a slurping sound as Pietro narrowed his eyes at me.
And boy, Pietro looked mad. He was standing before the two men who were currently tied to a pinetree.

One man was tall and skinny with hair the colour of dried grass and gray eyes. he was wearing green coat that had a some kind of a car symbol on it.
The other man was shorter and slightly chubbier, his dark hair greasy and slightly curly. He smelt of fish. The man's dark eyes were wide as they stared at me, unable to see the dark handprints on his own neck.

Uh, that was my fault.

And the shorter man's blood under his nose was also my fault. Pietro did not approve of that either.

Pietro had a plan, and that included kidnapping those two men. Comes out me and him have different views of kidnapping people.

"we talked about this. No killing or choking people." I stared at the shorter man whose eyes widened at the statement. The slurping sound was heard when suddenly the bottle was snapped out of my hands by Speedster.

If I hadn't succeeded in killing the man earlier then he's probably going to do it himself with all the puffing and huffing. The mans face was red and a vein popped on his forehead, his small eyes were wide as they flashed with cold fear.

An awful smell made me scrunch my nose as my predatory eyes snapped on the other man. He had wet himself. Pietro sighed and stepped closer to the hostages. They both tried to say something as Petro approached, but their words were muffled in the gag.

“I'll be the manager and you'll be the assistant. Here's your name tag little dude... Joey Jaager. Assistant of DH Cars. You'll be shadowing the manager, me, around. Suits me. Hey, you people, do English know you guys personally?” Pietro asked them, only to be met with furious head shaking from the two tied up Dutch men.

I looked down at the small name tag Pietro had tossed at me. Joey Jaager, I was going to steal the mans identity as DH Cars secretary.

My eyes followed Pietros movement as he crouched down next to the taller man who was clearly in the brink of passing out.
I couldn't understand their fear, we weren't going to kill them.
Pietro snapped the name tag from the man's chest, only to frown as he read it.

Funske Berkenbosch, manager of DH Cars.” I fidgeted with the name tag, finding the situation utterly stupid and unneeded.

Pietros genius plan was for us to play the Dutch cargo control services. And once we reach England, we'd take off and never show our faces here ever again.

Until then, we were to play those people, Joey and Funske, the cargo control.

After we had stolen their whole identity, that included their mobiles, wallets and of course, clothes. We headed to the large cargo ship.
Even thought everything about this plan screamed unprofessionality and plan errors, I was curious as to where we would end up.

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