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I looked over Pietros shoulder as he pointed at the screen

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I looked over Pietros shoulder as he pointed at the screen. I narrowed my eyes, feeling the shiver of anger run up my arms as I clasped my fingers behind my back.

"What the... These circus monkeys call themselves that?" Pietro snickered, clicking on another article. I snapped my head right, glaring at the front-desk lady who was approaching, a smile on her face and couple of books in her hands, the moment her shy eyes met mine, she turned around on the balls of her feet and scurried off. Not giving us another glance.

My furious gaze landed on the screen.

Those Avengers seemed to be rather well known, and I loathed them.
I didn't turn my eyes once from the screen as he found out more about them individually.

The more we got to know about them, the more intimidated I felt. The articles all defined them differently. Some said they were the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, others said they were the biggest mistake government had ever allowed.

I noted the abilities mentioned, I needed a good plan if I really wanted to get rid of them.

Captain America was my first target. He was the one who coaxed Soldat. I narrowed my eyes, glaring at the picture of the man in blue, red and white suit. I scoffed at his choice of weapon. A shield, really?

I needed to find that man, and by finding him, he would lead me to Soldat.

Pietro clicked on another picture and I froze, staring at it. “Is that her?” Pietro asked dumbfounded, his wide blue eyes flickering up at me. “that's her.” I didn't turn my gaze from the woman. “Hey, look at that, we have the same last name. She's Wanda Maximoff, I'm Pietro Maximoff, what a coincidence.” the speedster chuckled quietly, looking at the brown haired woman on the picture known as Scarlet Witch. He flinched, massaging his temples as he muttered something about how awful and mean migraines were.

I could feel quiet steps coming closer, they stopped and almost tiptoed towards us. I sighed, getting already annoyed by the woman.
She cleared her throat to get out attention, Pietro jumped slightly, turning towards the woman,looking at her questioningly. “Sirs, we, uh, we are closing.” She said nervously, her shoulders relaxing the moment Pietro offered her one of his friendly smiles.

I didn't even look at her.

“of course, sorry, we wanted no trouble. We'll be on our way.” The white haired man said, standing up, making me take a step back from the computer. The woman's shoulders relaxed, an easy smile playing on her lips.

We left the library, to my surpsie the sun had dissappeared. “holy...” I nearly ran into Pietros back as he stopped suddenly. “What” I snapped at him, feeling annoyed at Pietro. Until I saw what he did, the enormous building couple of blocks away.

“You know, I would usually be surprised because you are vocalising your thoughts, but I'm too amazed right now. Give me a second.” he said breathlessly, that's where the Avengers stayed at.

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