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"I'm glad you're finally up on your feet again, kid

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"I'm glad you're finally up on your feet again, kid." Bucky said with a relieved smile on his pale face. I could still see the traces of sleepless nights under his eyes in dark circles, and the memories that came to him in his sleep made his blue eyes guarded. He was still haunted by the past, and so was I.

I nodded, my eyes dancing between the people who were gathering around the table. I noticed that they gave me enough space. Perhaps it was because I had been rather jumpy and avoiding most of them the last couple of days, or maybe it was because of the crutches that rested against my chair.

I was trying to grasp the reality, the fact that I shouldn't be so paranoid in this building, with those people. But there was always this heavy feeling in my chest, it didn't seem to go away no matter where I was.

But then I realized that to get better understanding about what was going on, I needed to hear what Stark had to say. It was safe to say he wasn't that pleased with me, I could feel the bitterness that hung over him and the large ego that could not take any blows. Apparently, me trashing his suit was still a touchy subject. I had apologized, which he had ignored, but he had felt slightly better, which was all I had been aiming for.

"It'll be fine, Atlas. I'll be here, I just... I just wanted you to know that kid." Bucky said quietly after inspecting my shallow breathing and eyes that kept jumping from one person to another. I knew my body language was clear as a sunny day, but I just couldn't help the anxiety that had been building in my chest ever since that certain day. Those words were meant for me, and only to me. If anyone at this table heard, they didn't show it.

I gave Bucky a side glance, trying to smile but I wasn't sure it worked, so, I just nodded. I tucked my head, blinking as I realized I didn't have that long hair to hide behind anymore. Apparently, Natasha had said that new beginnings always started with new looks. That had been a refreshing moment, to get rid of that long hair. However, he hadn't gotten to Bucky. The Soldier was adamant on keeping his hair, but I knew better. There was no way he was letting anyone near him with scissors or just a trimmer.

I noticed Clint coming towards us, eyeing the empty chair that was beside me and I tensed. With a flash of blue light, Pietro sat on it, making the grey chair jerk back slightly as he sat there with his legs up on the table, looking as if he had been sitting on it the past half an hour. With his hands behind his head, Pietro looked up at Clint smugly. "What's up Pelican?" I could sense the annoyance, which made me curl my hands into fists anxiously, Clint must have noticed as he simply chuckled at the smirking white haired man. "Oh nothing, just walked by and stumbled upon a raggabrash." The man said, walking away with a smile on his face as he saw the confusion on Pietros expression. "Hey, what does it mean? Oy! Bird Eye, what does it mean!" He sat up straighter, ignoring the way Wanda shook her head from across the table or the muffled laugh from others. Pietro turned towards me and Bucky whose jaw was ticked. "What does it mean?" The man with heavy accent asked us quietly, leaning in as he hoped to get an answer from us. Realizing Bucky wasn't going to say anything, I shruggled, not having any idea of what it meant.

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