Waking Up

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        I immediately sat up and cried my eyes out. I accidentally woke Josh up and he wiped my tears. I jumped and pushed him away.

        “What’s wrong?” he asked me softly and I looked at him.

        “A nightmare.” I said and held myself. He tried to reach for me again and I refused to let him touch me “Please.” I said quietly and he slowly lowered his hand.

        “Claire, you had a nightmare where you were raped, didn’t you?” he asked and I nodded.

        “More than once in the nightmare.” I said and closed my eyes. Josh sighed and was probably staring at me.

        “Do you know who it was?” he asked and I nodded. “Who was it?” he asked and I couldn’t bring myself to say Scott’s name. But if I didn’t, this wouldn’t be resolved at all.

        “Scott rape me multiple times. He abused me and got me pregnant.” I mentioned and I looked up at him.  He touched my face and it made me jump.

        “I won’t let him touch you that way and I mean it. I think Matt, Ryan, and Barry would do the same thing. We won’t let you get raped.” He said and I kept looking at him. He kissed my forehead then got up and went to the kitchen.

        A few hours later, the guys came over and I was calmed down enough to hug everyone but Scott. Josh whispered to Matt and Barry. It was probably ‘bout my nightmare. Scott looked at me but I shook it off. Matt walked up to me and I braced myself for whatever he needed to say to me.

        “Claire, can we talk privately? I know Barry will probably wanna talk to you as well. I’m his brother and I deserve to be the one to tell you.” Matt said. I nodded and we walked upstairs to a bedroom. I looked at him, waiting for him to tell me. He sighed and looked at me. “Scott wants to take you away and try to force you to fall in love with him. I caught him talking to one of his buddies. I’m not saying that he won’t think twice to rape you but like Josh said, we won’t allow him to go near you. I’m keeping my word. I don’t want anything or anyone to hurt you; let alone my own brother.” Matt said and touched my hand. I looked at him and nodded.

        “Thanks Matt, I’m gonna be at Ryan’s house for a few days.” I stated then I thought I should add, “He’s another best friend of mine but practically my brother.” Matt looked at me and nodded.

        “That’s a good idea. You should stay away from Scott as much as possible.” Matt said and I nodded. We headed downstairs and Scott looked at us. I just walked over to Josh and hugged him. Then, I went over to Barry and hugged him. Matt rubbed my back and I pulled my hair back.

        “I’m going to Ryan’s house. Josh, can you drive me over there, please?” I asked and Josh nodded. Barry looked at me then nodded. Matt and I exchanged glances toward Scott. He was on the urge of going on a rage with us; mainly me. When I reached to get my stuff, Scott stepped in front of me. I noticed Matt looking over at me. “Scott, get out of my way.” I said sternly. I heard Josh taking a few steps toward us. I held my hand up to signal Josh to stop walking. “Scott, move out of my way.” I demanded. He sighed and stormed off.

        “I hate you, Claire! You can’t give me the silent treatment forever! We’re best friends!” Scott yelled throughout the whole house. I rolled my eyes because I was done with him. I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door with Josh. We got into his car and drove off. Josh looked over at me once we stopped at a stop sign.

        “What did Matt tell you?” he asked and I kept looking ahead of me.

        “That Scott was planning on trying to kidnap me and force me to love him.” I said and held myself close. He touched my arm.

        “He won’t be able to touch you, I promise you that.” Josh said and we continued to drive. I directed him which way to get to Ryan’s house. I pulled my phone out.

        ‘I’m on my way over. I’ll be there soon, bro.’ I sent to Ryan and a few seconds later, my phone went off.

        ‘Okay(: the door is unlocked, sis.’ Ryan sent back. I was only six minutes away from his house, so I chose not to text back.

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