First Concert and Another Overreaction

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          We got to our first destination for the tour and I was sick as in throwing up sick. Josh frowned because I had always watched every single concert when I went with them on tour. Matt knew why I was sick but couldn’t say anything about it in front of the guys.

          “I’m going to watch the concert, don’t worry.” I said as I was getting up. Ryan grabbed my arm as Barry was trying to sit me back down on the bed.

          “No, you need to rest. I’ll have Alicia record us from the side stage for you.” Barry said and I sighed as I let the guys win.

          “Fine.” I muttered and the guys went into the Riverbend Music Center for the concert. I was disappointed that I couldn’t go. I saw Alicia being all over Scott and that cheered me up a bit because that would mean that he’d leave me alone about the whole “me and him” thing. Ryan brought me a Sprite with vanilla wafers, hoping that it would cheer me up. This was going to be a long pregnancy and I could tell.

          “What’s wrong, baby?” Ryan asked and I looked down at my hands.

          “I want to tell the guys that I’m pregnant. I don’t want to keep it from them anymore. It’s been two weeks and they still don’t know about it.” I said. It was that time where the concert was almost over unless they did an encore for the fans. Ryan knew how I felt about hiding it from the guys. Matt knew but that was because I went to him in order to calm me down once I found out. My phone went off and it was David.

          ‘Hope you’re happy. Madison and I broke up.’ David sent and I rolled my eyes. Ryan looked at me.

          “What’s wrong now??” Ryan asked and I shook my head as I tossed my phone in my bag.

          “David and Madison broke up. I know this because he texted me. It was bound to happen. I mean I understood if she would’ve forgiven him but what he tried to do with me. She had a right to know.” I stated and Ryan sighed.

          “You didn’t tell her that you made it all up.” he said and I shook my head.

          “No because if I said that then I would’ve lied to her and myself.” I said and he looked at me. I could tell that he wasn’t pleased with me.

          “Baby, do you feel like you made a difference?” he asked and I looked at him.

          “Yes, I know that I’m never going to leave your side.” I said as I crawled over to him and kissed his lips. He pulled away.

          “That’s not what I meant.” he said and I looked at him.

          “I feel like I made a little difference. Better her finding out then have him lie to her.” I said and he touched my stomach.

          “Alright baby but promise me something.” he said and I heard the guys come on the bus. They were normally loud after a concert.

          “What’s that?” I asked him and he pulled out a box. I looked at him. “That’s not what I think it is, is it?” I asked and he smiled. Matt and Josh walked into the room just in time to hear the proposal.

          “Claire, will you do the honor of marrying me?” Ryan asked and I smiled at him.

          “Yes!!” I said with excitement and he placed the engagement ring on my hand. We kissed as Matt and Josh cheered for us. I looked at Ryan and he nodded.

          “Matt, we are having a family meeting. Can you get the guys together?” I asked and he nodded. He had no clue I was going to tell them about me being pregnant and I was alright with that. We walked out of the bedroom and passed the bunks. Barry was already on the couch but Scott and Alicia were nowhere in sight. I shrugged my shoulders because they’d find out later.

          “Hey, we have an announcement to make.” Ryan said and I smiled just the same as Josh and Matt did.

          “I’m pregnant.” I said and I could tell that Matt was shocked that I chose to announce it. “We’re engaged as well.” I added. They all cheered and Matt walked up to me.

          “Thought you were going to wait?” Matt asked and I looked at him.

          “I was but I couldn’t keep it from them anymore.” I said and I got hugs from Barry and Josh. I loved my best friends so much. Scott was going to have to deal with the fact that I was pregnant and engaged. Just then, Scott and Alicia boarded the bus.

          “I know we did an amazing show but this much celebrating??” Scott said and we all looked at each other.

          “What’s going on?” Alicia asked and she noticed my engagement ring. “Congratulations!” she said and hugged me.

          “It’s not just that. I’m pregnant.” I stated and Scott glared at me.

          “When were you going to tell us or me for that matter?” Scott shouted and I stormed off. I slammed the door behind me as I walked into the bedroom. Scott made me so upset that I threw my phone and made it shatter. I got sick and threw up once I got to the toilet. I had tears running down my face as Ryan came to check up on me.

          “Hey, it’s alright.” he said as he rubbed my back. I flushed the toilet after I wiped my mouth off.

          “I umm broken my phone.” I managed to say and he looked over at where it shattered into pieces. He sighed and took me into his arms.

          “It’s fine, I’ll buy you a new one.” he said and Matt walked in.

          “He’s calm now. I told you that it wasn’t a right time to tell them.” Matt said and I wanted to flip him off. It was my decision to tell them.

          “Matt, I’m not in the mood right now.” I stated and Ryan was staying out of it. I didn’t blame him at all especially when I got pissed. Matt just walked away.

          “I’m sorry angel. I’m right here.” Ryan said as he rocked me back and forth. I wanted to cry and cut but I knew I was safe with Ryan. He helped me to the bed and laid me down. I wasn’t feeling good at all and Ryan made sure to try to make me feel better. We cuddled and watched “The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride” on the laptop. We soon fell asleep.

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