1 | under the table #1

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                                        warnings: none
                                      profanity count: 1
                                        y/n: your name

*i'm slowly editing current chapters and going to add new chapters after editing is done*

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The noise pierces through the room. I wake up with a start and groan, my voice groggy from the sleep. Eyes still closed, I feel around my nightstand, trying to find the source of the sound. The noise stops for a couple seconds, giving me some sweet relief.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slowly open my eyes and glare at the ceiling. I lean over and practically slap the alarm clock, shutting it up. I bury myself back in the warm heaven that is my bed and cherish the few minutes I have before I actually have to get up.

After about 5 minutes go by, I hear pounding at the door.

"(Y/n)! Time to get up! Breakfast starts in 10 minutes!"

I groan into my pillow and roll over onto my back. I look up at the ceiling once more before I drag myself out of bed. I take a quick shower and get dressed in my robes. I walk over to my dresser and pick up the familiar green and silver tie that I've worn since I was 11. 4 years later, and I can tie it with my eyes closed. Slipping on my shoes, I walk into the Slytherin common room, where I see my best friend, (f/n) and behind her, Draco Malfoy.

Draco was.....something. Every girl who has eyes had a crush on him. I personally don't see how. But seeing how our families grew up together, I had to admit that he has grown up a lot since he was little. 

"Ready to go?"

(f/n)'s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. 

"Huh? Oh. Yeah, lets go"

Grabbing my bag from the couch, I look up and see Draco wink at me. I raise my eyebrow slightly. I then laugh, and give him the, 'oh whatever just get outta here' friendly punch on the arm. It wouldn't be the first time he's been flirty with me.

I trail after (f/n) to the Great Hall, and sit at our table. Pansy across and to the right of me, (f/n) straight across from me, and Crabbe and Goyle next to me, a seat open between us, most likely  for Draco. I look around, wondering where he is, when Professor Dumbledore, the old coot, says some words, waves his arms, and there's food on the tables. I stop worrying about Draco cause, ya know, food.

As I take a pancake from the platter, I sense someone sitting down next to me. I look over and see Draco, wearing his infamous smirk. I think nothing of it, and Pansy pipes up.

"So, (y/n), what classes do you have today?"

I furrow my eyebrows, confused on why she's talking to me, she hates me.

"Uhhh, Transfiguration, Defense against the Dark Arts, Care of Magic-"

Pansy interrupts me, her small, pale hand raised.

"Oh," Pansy laughs, " I hate that class. If I had the choice to drop it, believe me, I would do it in a heartbeat"

I purse my lips, and frown slightly.

Hagrid is an amazing teacher, he just needs to learn a bit more about the creatures he works with. Pansy continues.

"My favorite subject is Potions (no surprise there) because Professor Snape is- (y/n), you okay?"

My eyes, normal 2 seconds ago, had widened significantly. I look over at Draco, who had placed his hand on my thigh, then glanced back at Pansy, the confusion apparent in her face. I give her a sarcastic yet nice smile.

"Perfectly fine. Thanks."

Pansy looks at me curiously, opens her mouth, then closes it again. I give Draco a look.

'What the fuck do you think you're doing?!'

Draco just shrugs, and piles some eggs on his plate.

Well, two can play at this game then.

I turn back to Pansy, who is now talking to (f/n) about how boring Quidditch is, and nod my head, piping in here and there. Draco starts stroking my thigh, then I look over at him and reach down and intertwine my fingers in his.

I slightly raise my eyebrow, enough for Draco to see. He chuckles and shakes his head, exasperated. He keeps his head down, obviously keeping his focus on only his food.

Breakfast goes on and neither of us move. We glance at each other every once in a while, but we don't move. After we finish and the food disappears, Draco takes a slip of paper out of his pocket and puts it in my hand before leaving. I stick it in the pocket of my robes as I gather my things to head to class.

When I get into the corridor, I open the note.

Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at 9 tonight.


Oh. Okay then

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