19 | in the rain

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Your POV

I screamed in anger, storming to my room. My mother screamed up after me, 

"Well, if you're so adamant on this, then why don't you just leave already?! You were a mistake! We should've gotten rid of you when we had the chance."

I gasped after hearing those last words. I held back tears that were threatening to spill, not wanting to show her me being weak. I packed some clothes into an old, tattered bag, and ran out the front door. Of course. It was raining. And seeing how I'm underage, I can't really do anything to keep myself dry. I never thought to grab an umbrella or a raincoat. 

I started walking to the only place I knew directions to. My boyfriends place. My boyfriend also just happened to be Draco Malfoy. We've been dating since 4th year. I quicken my pace, wanting to get there as fast as possible. But I'm not even halfway to Malfoy Manor when I'm already drenched. 


I finally arrive at Draco's house, absolutely soaked, and freezing. I run underneath their gigantic porch, and knock. 

Draco's POV

I'm in the library, reading an old book, when suddenly I hear a knock at the front door. Since Potter freed Dobby in our second year, we haven't gotten another house elf. To my surprise, when I fling it open, y/n was standing there, absolutely soaked.

"What are you doing out here? Come inside!!"

I usher her in and conjured a towel and a couple blankets. Once she was dry, she was still shivering, so I covered in the blankets, and sat down next to her.

"Y/n, why are you here? And why were you standing out in the rain?"


I heard the words come out of Draco's mouth, and I turned away, not wanting to tell him why. But he kept prodding me before I finally cracked.

"Me and mom had a huge fight and she kicked me out of the house saying I was a mistake." 

Draco groaned and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry y/n. You can have a place here for a while until you can figure it out okay?" 

I thank Merlin for my boyfriend.

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