6 | yule ball

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I couldn't wait. The Yule Ball was tomorrow and its all anyone can talk about right now. In fact, people are talking about it so much, the Professor Flitwick had completely given up on trying to teach us, just letting us chill in the classroom. Me and Draco were sitting on the back wall, me leaning against his chest.

We were going to the Yule Ball together, him having asked me as soon as the announcement was made. Why not? He is my boyfriend after all. Me, Ginny, Hermione, and a few other girls went into Hogsmeade to get our dresses. When I put mine on, I knew immediately that it would be perfect. (Shown below)

"(y/n), whats your dress look like?"

I chuckle and look up at Draco.

"Nuh uh. You aren't allowed to see it until tomorrow."

Draco pouted, then groaned.

"Love, why do you torture me like this?"

"You know as well as I that you have to wait. Otherwise it would spoil the surprise."

Draco kissed my forehead and said,

"Well whatever you wear, you'll be absolutely gorgeous."

I smile, then rest my head back on his chest.

The day flies by, and soon enough, I'm being woken up by Ginny. We are given a whole day to get ready, despite it being tonight. Guess they know how long it takes us to get ready.

I roll out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, and use a drying spell on my hair. I go over to the closet, where every girl is retrieving their dress, when Ginny taps me on the shoulder from behind me.

"I knew this would happen, so I grabbed your dress for you (y/n)."

"Thanks Ginny!"

She gives me a smile, then goes to get in her dress. I pull it mine out of the bag, and look at in in amazement. Its still as beautiful as ever. I slip it over my head, feeling as the fabric runs along my skin as it comes on. Luna, Ginny and Hermione all come in, already in their dresses, and start working on my hair and makeup.

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7 Hours Later

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7 Hours Later

Everyone is ready, and is coming out into the corridors to meet their dates. I don't know why, but I am really nervous?

"'Mione, what if he doesn't like the dress? Or the hair? Or-"

Hermione laughed and looked at me.

"As much as I despise the little ferret, I know that he will absolutely adore and love whatever you come down in. Calm down. Its okay"

I calmed down a bit and nodded,

"Thanks 'Mione. That helped"

Hermione chuckled, and started walking out of the common room, me trailing behind her. We got to the staircase, and I immediately got nervous again.

"'Mione, you go first."

She smiled, and started walking down. I saw as every head was turned. I can't blame them. Hermione looked amazing. Krum was lucky guy. Then it was my turn. I saw Draco at the bottom, pacing as he waited for me. I came out from behind the wall, and came down the stairs.

All I could hear were gasps.

Draco's POV

I was pacing a little bit. Where was she? Almost everyone else had their dates already. When Granger came down, I must say I was impressed. She definitely looked different. But when I went back to pacing, everyone around me gasped and looked towards the stairs again. When I went to look back up, expecting another girl, I was met by the most beautiful human being on the planet.

Her (h/c) hair, flowing around her shoulders. The dress made her (e/c) eyes shine brighter than before. She was beautiful. No, she looked like a goddess. (y/n) walked with such a grace, some could think she was flying.

I met her at the bottom.

"Wow (y/n). You look stunning"

"You don't look too bad yourself there Draco"

I chuckled, and placed a kiss on her lips.

2 Hours Later

Your POV

I was relieved when Draco saw me. He seemed genuinely stunned and amazed. The feeling was amazing. Now, I was sitting down while Draco got us drinks. I saw Hermione, still dancing with Krum, and looked over, and saw Harry and Ron sitting down, not dancing, with what looked like sulking on Ron's part. I followed his line of sight and saw he was looking at Hermione and Krum.

Of course. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Ron's jealous. He wants to be the one to dance with her.

Draco came back with the drinks, and sat down next to me. I downed it in almost one gulp and Draco laughed.

"Thirsty much?"

I laughed as well, and answered,

"Well, when your boyfriend is dancing with you for two hours, you're bound to get thirsty at some point."

We sat there at the table for a while, talking and laughing, and rating dresses and dress robes. Ron's definitely got a 10/10 for being the funniest. It went like that until Professor McGonagall kicked the remainders out at midnight, because they needed sleep, cause we had classes again tomorrow.

Me and Draco walked out, and he walked me to the Gryffindor common room.

"Until tomorrow my love"

He kissed my hand dramatically, then pulled me in for a real kiss. We sank into it, until someone threw something at us.

"Some people would actually like to get to bed!"

Me and Draco broke apart, him scowling, and me laughing. It turned out to be Ginny, smiling like a madwoman, so we let her pass, then Draco gave me a small kiss.

"Goodnight (y/n). I had a lot of fun."

"I did too Draco. I love you"

"I love you too"

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