18 | whatcha writing?

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Draco's POV

Spring has arrived. You know it has because of y/n. Because along with Spring comes happiness in her eyes. During Spring, there is a certain air of hope, passion, and pure joy, despite everything that's happening. Her e/c eyes are filled with a light that brightens every time we come outside. Her light freckles become darker, becoming clearly visible against her tanning skin. Y/n's h/c hair becomes lighter, and during this time, she likes it down, so it can flow in the wind, giving it a gorgeous, joyful look. Spring has arrived, and with it, comes the pure joy, happiness, hope, passion, courage, love, adventurous spirit, and ambition.

"Whatcha writing?"

I look up from my parchment, meeting the brilliant eyes of y/n. She's out of breath, so I'm assuming she's just been off with Ginny or Hermione, discovering a new place of the forest.

"Just something to show you how much I love you."

She sits next to me, carefully taking the parchment from my hands. I watch as her eyes scan it, becoming brighter with each word. Her smile becoming wider with every sentence. By the end, y/n is beaming. She looks up at me and throws her arms around my neck.

"I love you so much Draco Malfoy."

"I love you so much too y/n l/n"

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